PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence
Akhil Reddy Pashapu, Faculty of Biosciences (BIOVIT) will defend his PhD thesis “Investigations of frost and ice cover tolerance and genetic changes over time in cultivars of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) with different climate adaptation " on February 21st, 2024.
Norwegian title of thesis:
"Undersøkelser av frost- og isdekketoleranse og genetiske endringer over tid i sorter av timotei (Phleum pratense L.) med ulik klimatilpasning"
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
“Epigenetic versus non-epigenetic mechanisms of stress tolerance”
Time and place: Friday February 21st, room U215, Festsalen, Urbygningen NMBU
Trial Lecture: 12:15
Public defense: 13.15
You may also attend this event via Zoom:
Evaluation committee:
Dr. Susanne Barth, Crops Research Centre, the Agriculture and Food Development Authority
Dr. Alf Ceplitis, Lantmännen
Associate Professor Åshild Ergon, NMBU
Main supervisor: Dr. Mallikarjuna Rao Kovi, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Professor Odd Arne Rognli, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Dr. Marian Schubert, NMBU
The doctoral thesis is available for public review. For those who would like to have access to the thesis please send an e-mail to:
Name of PhD candidate: Akhil Reddy Pashapu
February 21st – Akhil Reddy Pashapu (BIOVIT)