18 August - Line Lieblein Røsæg (BIOVIT)

By Kristine Løwe

Bildet viser Line Lieblein Røsæg 
Fakultet for biovitenskap
Institutt for husdyr- og akvakulturvitenskap , NMBU

PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence. Line Lieblein Røsæg, Faculty of Biosciences (BIOVIT) will defend her PhD thesis “Genome regulation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) during smoltification " on 18 August 2023.

Norwegian title of thesis:
" Genomregulering i Atlanterhavslaks (Salmo salar) i løpet av smoltifisering"

English title of the thesis: «Genome regulation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) during smoltification»

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
“Environmental and genetic influences on the salmon smolt migration in the wild”
Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Friday 18 August at 10.00, room U215 (Festsalen), Urbygningen, NMBU

You may attend this event via Zoom: https://nmbu.zoom.us/j/68684372997

Evaluation committee:
Senior researcher Victoria-Louise Pritchard, UHI Inverness, Institute for Biodiversity and Freshwater
Ass. Prof. Tom Ole Nilsen, University of Bergen
Ass. Prof. Guro Sandvik, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Main supervisor: Prof. Simen Rød Sandve, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Co-supervisor: Dr. Torgeir Rhoden Hvidsten, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Co-supervisor: Prof. Sigbjørn Lien, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Co-supervisor: Prof. David Hazlerigg, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The doctoral thesis is available for public review. For those who would like to have access to the thesis please send an e-mail to: phd-biovit@nmbu.no

Name of PhD candidate: Line Lieblein Røsæg
Thesis number: 2023:38, ISSN: 1894-6402, ISBN: 978-82-575-2066-3

Published - Updated
