cellulosefibre, produsert fra massevirke av gran
CellulosefibrePhoto: Fiskå Mølle

Cellulose fibre produced from spruce pulpwood, where the hemicellulose is extracted and used for feed. A truly environmentally friendly growing medium.

01 Oct 2023 - 30 Sep 2027

Norges Forskningsråd, Andersen Gartneri, Ekeberg Myhrene, Guren Gartneri, Hodne Gartneri, Grimstad Planteskole, Fjell Hagebruk, LOG, Fiskå Mølle

About the project

Due to environmental impacts of peat usage, there is pressure from environmentalists and political leaders for more sustainable horticultural growth media.  A possible option is to use the lignocellulosic, wood pulp residues, after the hemicellulose has been removed by a nonchemical process and used as animal feed.

PeatFree will be developed by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) in close cooperation with Fiskå Mølle AS, which plans to build a factory, together with AT Skog, for production of hemicellulose that will be used in feed production at Fiskå Mølle. The side stream comprised of lignocellulosic materials (about 500.000 m3/yr.) are the proposed materials to be used  as a base in the Peat Free plant growing media.

Additional cooperation will be done with six of the best Norwegian growers with diverse plant production profiles. They have agreed to test the proposed PeatFree medium, in cooperation with Norsk Landbruksrågivning (NLR), which will document the effectivity and sustainability of the Peat Free plant growing blends.

The different blends of the PeatFree will be physically, chemically and biologically analyzed. In additions to the environmental impact of this growing medium. The hypothesis is that appropriate blends will increase the plant’s resistance to plant diseases and will be documented to be efficient and sustainable, horticultural plant growth media.  Peat Free growing medium will by success be marketed in Norway, and subsequently throughout the European market where companies are looking for a sustainable, high quality alternative plant growing media. 

PeatFree is divided in seven work packages (WPs). There will be close cooperation among the teams working on the different WPs. That mutual co-working will help to effectively build competence and cooperation among companies, researchers and extension staff.   One Post-Doctoral fellow, one PhD-students and several MSc. students will co-work with the project leader and with members of each WP and the professional horticultural companies.

  • Participants

    NMBU participants in the project

    Tore Krogstad

    Tore Krogstad

    Professor emeritus

    Leader of WP2 (soil chemistry) and WP6 (dissemination).

    Hans Ragnar Gislerød

    Professor emeritus

    (Gislerød Consulting), in collaboration with Liv Knudtzon, (NLR), will lead the commercial testing (WP5)

    Professor Emeritus Hans Ragnar Gislerød will lead PeatFree through his one-man company Gislerød Consulting.

    External participants

    Professor Emeritus Don Huisingh, University of Tennessee, USA. An internationally recognised environmental scientist.

    Eight recognised Norwegian companies within professional horticultural production, sales of horticultural products and production and sales of feed for livestock