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Bærekraftsarenaen opprettes
14. april 2021
Seminar - Sustainability and Justice
09.12.2021. Seminar - Sustainability and Justice: linking social and environmental limits. (Vitenparken, Ås; og Digitalt)
Limits to Growth +50: Can economies keep growing indefinitely on a finite planet?
10. june 2022. On the 50th anniversary of the publication of Limits to Growth, co-author of the iconic report Jørgen Randers joins an expert panel to discuss its implications in the face of accelerating climate crises. 10 June in Oslo's Litteraturhuset
PhD Course - Political Ecology of Scarcity, Limits and Degrowth
7-10. june 2022. New PhD course offered by NMBU's sustainability arena Planetary Boundaries and Political Ecology Forum. The course is relevant for PhD students who are examining and trying to understand issues related to scarcity and limits. It will include lectures from leading scholars in the field who approach this theme from different perspectives.
Hvem tar regningen for det grønne skiftet?
26. aug 2022. Økonomer som Jørgen Randers er klare på at de rikeste må betale. Men den norske regjeringens subsidiering av Tesla-eiere og de franske myndighetenes grønne skatter som stort sett treffer arbeiderklassen er bare to eksempler på hvordan styresmaktene våre ikke klarer å ta for seg problemene med ulikhet i den grønne skiftet, slår NMBU-professor Erik Gomez-Baggethun fast.