Microbiology Laboratory
The Microbiology Laboratory contains instrumentation for microbial cultivation.

The instrumentation consists of the following units:
- Leica DM6 B microscope
- SPECTROstar Nano UV/visible microplate spectrophotometer
- Two Infors HT Minifors 2 bioreactors
- Kuhner Shaker X Climo-Shaker ISF1-X shaking incubator
- Three Thermo Scientific MAXQ 4000 shaking incubators
- Three VWR INCU-line 68R incubators
- Brunswick Innova 42R shaking incubator with photosynthetic light bank
- Duetz-MTPS 24, 96 square polypropylene deep well plates
- HERMLE Z326K centrifuge
- HERMLE Z32HK centrifuge
- Metler Toledo Education Line EL20 pH meter
- Bertin Technologies Percellys Evolution tissue homogenizer
- LABCONCO FREEZONE 2,5 freeze-dryer
- ThermoScientific Speedvac SPD121P-230 vacuum concentrator with Savant RVT100 refrigerated vapor trap and Edwards RV5 vacuum pump
- Two Labofort KNF N86 vacuum pumps
- NUAIRE NU-477-600E laminar box
- Countess 3 automated cell counter
- Certoclav Labor CV-EL 12ii18L autoclave
- Two Tuttnauer 3870 ELV autoclave
- Grant TC120 water bath
- Grant SUB14 water bath
- VWR USC300T ultrasonic bath
- Sonics Vibra cell sonicator
- Two VWR 444-1372 test tube shakers
- Termaks TS 8056 drying oven
- Stuart SBH130D/3 block heater
- Santorius Practum 224-1S analytical balance
- AEADAM PGW253i analytical balance
- PRECISION SE1202 balance
- LLG uniSTIRRER 3 agitator
- Benchmark H3760-HSE hotplate stirrer
- PORKKA KF85 ice maker
- Miele Professional G7883 laboratory glassware washer