Focal areas
- Influences of urban built environment on travel and transportation
- Livability and the design of supportive human environments
- Socio-spatial inequalities in contemporary cities
- Driving forces, structures, power dynamics, discourses and actors influencing the kind of urban development taking place
- The role of urban planning in fostering or hampering sustainability
- Normative aspects of the concept of sustainable development (including environmental justice) and how these are articulated and given priority
- Sustainability paradigms (e.g. eco-modernization vs. degrowth) and their implications for urban development and planning
Within these themes, the focus is on environmental, social as well as economic aspects of sustainable development and its implications for urban and regional planning
- European Cities Against School Segregation (ECASS)
- Quantification of synergies between Energy Efficiency First Principle and renewable energy systems for 2050 decarbonisation (sEEnergies)
- Sustainable urbanization requirements of small and medium sized urban settlements and their surrounding (SURROUND)
- Social sustainability as a new driving force in local community development (SOLOKAL)
- WALKMORE - How to get people to walk more in small Norwegian towns
- App Cities: New Urban Technologies, Daily Travel, and Quality of Life
- Field of goals: Co-production and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in regional and local planning (FOG)
- Densification and socio-spatial justice - The case of Oslo (PhD project)
- Housing standards under environmental constraints (PhD project)
Group members

A research group focusing on the sustainability-relevant impacts of the spatial development and planning of cities and urban areas. We discuss the consequences of such development in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity, soil for food production, health, social equity, and livability.
Focal areas
Group members