About us
The Climate Change, Agriculture and Development (CC-AD) research cluster is a multidisciplinary group with research often exploring radical interdisciplinary areas bridging the natural science/social science/humanities divide. Both critical and development-oriented approaches are used.
The research has a global outlook with much of the field-based research taking place in the Global South.
Our projects are funded by the Research Council of Norway, the European Commission’s H2020 programme, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign affairs through Norwegian Embassies, as well as several other sources.
Research themes
Researchers affiliated with the cluster work on different levels from technological innovation within agronomy and husbandry to governance and policy for agricultural development and the environment.
Research themes include:
- food and livelihood security
- agrarian change, resilience and transformation in the face of climate change
- agroecology
- agrobiodiversity conservation and use
- sustainable intensification of agriculture
- environmental impacts of agriculture
- agri-food system governance and trade
Bishal Sitaula
Professor - Cluster Leader

Researching agri-food systems across global and local scales.
About us
Research themes