Faggruppe avl, genetikk og matproduksjonssystemer

The section has broad expertise in breeding and genetics in all livestock species, including aquaculture. We also have expertise in sustainable food production systems.

About the section

We have experts in genomic selection, genetic analyses, models and methods for calculating breeding values, breeding planning, genetic resources and biological aspects of livestock breeding.

The group is internationally recognized as a leader in the development and use of genomic selection in applied livestock breeding. Research is being done on optimal utilization of the large and increasing amounts of genotype information and new phenotype data in breeding.

New phenotypes and new characteristics are central research areas, where the goal is to contribute to future challenges through, for example, breeding for better feed utilization and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

We have expertise in sustainable food production systems. How complex food systems are composed and how they interact to affect different aspects of whole system sustainability.

Medlemmene i faggruppen avl, genetikk og matproduksjonssystemer
Medlemmene i faggruppen Photo: Janne Karin Brodin
  • Teaching

    Our teaching covers a wide range of subjects within livestock and aquaculture, breeding and genetics and sustainable food production systems. We have the main responsibility for courses covering livestock breeding, our own course portfolio on sustainability in food systems and subjects covering genomics, genetics, population genetics, phenomics and bioinformatics. We are also involved in NOVA courses, further education courses (SEVU courses) and guest several courses held by other subject groups or faculties.

    The courses cover all teaching levels from introductory courses, bachelor's courses, master's courses and PhD courses. More details about our contribution to teaching can be found in NMBU's subject portfolio under these subject areas:

    • Course in livestock production (HFX)
    • Livestock breeding (HFA)
    • Sustainable food systems (SDG)
    • Aquaculture (AQX)
    • Breeding in aquaculture (AQB)
    • Genetics (BIO)
    • Bioinformatics (BIN)
  • Collaboration partners

    The section has a large and ongoing cooperation with several industry players. We are co-located in the Animal Science building at NMBU with the breeding organizations Geno and Norsvin, in addition to The Nordic Genetic Resource Center, NordGen. Employees of Aquagen is also in the same building.

    Vi samarbeider også We also collaborate with other industry players, research centers and organizations through several projects.

  • Members

Research project

Both projects we lead and those we are involved in