Agroøkologi / AgroecologyPhoto: Sebastian Dahl og Tor Arvid Breland

The agroecology research group works with research and education within sustainable food and agricultural systems with a focus on a holistic approach and closing the gap between knowledge and action.

Om forskningsgruppen

The work of the research group is centered around the master's program in agroecology. This is an action-oriented and phenomenon-based master's program where farms and food systems from real life form the starting point for our education of agroecologists.

We work with farms, primarily in Eastern Norway with varied forms of operation, and municipalities and other actors in larger food systems around Norway. The focus for our students in facing the world outside is systems thinking (what does the farm and the food system consist of, and how do these elements relate to each other?) and adjustment - (how can the system be improved?).

The students start by exploring, mapping and understanding the current situation before they design a desired future situation (a vision) together with the actors. This forms the starting point for action planning, where the students come up with concrete proposals for what can be done to move towards the vision).

The master's program in agroecology has won several awards for its innovative and forward-looking teaching (including NOKUT's Education Quality Award in higher education in 2016).

In addition, the agroecology research group was a central player in the EU-supported research and innovation project "NEXTFOOD Educating the next generation of professionals in the agrifood system", where our action-oriented education was used as a model for education in food, agriculture and forestry at institutions in both Europe, Asia and South America.

Through our research and education, we also work within the following topics:

  • Sustainable, local food systems
  • Sustainable public procurement
  • Urban agriculture
  • Regenerative agriculture

Finished research projects

  • Nextfood

    Enhancing the co-creation of innovation and knowledge in agriculture, forestry and related bio-value chains.
    Developing an innovative European science and education roadmap for sustainable agriculture.
    Inducing a paradigm shift from a linear to a cyclical approach of learning.

  • Cultivating Public Spaces

    The compact city model, dominant in Norway and Europe elsewhere, typically creates a strong alliance between climate abatement objectives and urban economic development, frequently overlooking concerns related to the quality of life and social justice. Our project addresses this challenge. We believe that UA can substantially improve the quality of life in Norwegian cities. It can empower local communities and individuals by giving them an opportunity to directly influence their environments while providing access to green, inclusive public spaces. It can provide hands-on learning arenas for educating people about resource use and food production cycles, as well as encourage environmentally-friendly consumption choices. Furthermore, UA-initiatives can be an important arena for health promotion, through increased physical, social and contemplative activity. UA can also enrich urban landscapes with innovative landscape architecture/urban design and functional solutions. Its potentials for produce and entrepreneurship can strengthen urban economy by facilitating innovation and creating inclusive, environmentally-friendly working places.


    Siden begynnelsen av det 21. århundre har urbant landbruk (UL) vært et synlig tema innen byforskning. Urbant landbruk har blitt vist å ha mange fordeler knyttet til urban motstandsdyktighet og bærekraft:

    • det kan bidra til å styrke økosystemer, øke matsikkerheten, motvirke urban fattigdom,
    • lære borgere om naturen, oppmuntre til fysisk aktivitet, styrke borgeres evner til å delta i romlig utvikling,
    • bygge lokalsamfunn på tvers av sosioøkonomiske forskjeller og
      fremme deres evne til klimatilpasning og transformasjon.

    Likevel finnes det lite forskning på integrering av urbant landbruk i offentlige byområder, til tross for potensialet for å engasjere brede deler av den urbane befolkningen. Enda mindre forskning er gjort på UL-prosjekter utviklet på tidligere industriområder. Denne arbeidspakken adresserer disse kunnskapshullene, og bygger til en viss grad på erfaringer fra vårt pågående prosjekt «Cultivating Public Space: urban agriculture as a basis for human flourishing and sustainability transition in Norwegian cities» (2017-2020, BYFORSK-programmet, NFR).


    • Å plassere urbant landbruk i en bredere bakgrunn av nåværende forskning om urban motstandsdyktighet og gi innsikt i hvordan intervensjoner med urbant landbruk kan påvirke den generelle motstandsdyktigheten i vestlige byer i dag.
    • Å undersøke mer spesifikt den samfunnsmessige og miljømessige verdien av UL-intervensjoner i urbane offentlige rom utviklet på tidligere industriområder i casestudieområdene (Skien og Moss), supplert med kunnskap hentet fra utvalgte internasjonale eksempler.
    • Å utvikle et sett med retningslinjer, design og prosessanbefalinger for implementering av UL som del av urbane fornyelsesprosesser i norske byer.


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