Dr. Philos. degree at NMBU
The Dr. Philos. degree (Doctor Philosophiae) is awarded to scholars who have independently qualified for a doctorate without formal supervision. There is no fixed timeframe for this degree, and candidates are not affiliated with the university as doctoral candidates until their application to take the examination for the dr.philos. degree has been approved.
To proceed, you must first complete your Dr. Philos. thesis. When applying to take the Dr. Philos. examination, you need to submit a copy of your finished thesis along with your application. The application should be directed to the faculty that aligns with the thematic focus of your thesis. For contact information at the respective faculties, please refer to: Contact persons during your PhD | NMBU.
Upon approval of your application, you will be officially registered as a doctoral candidate. You will then formally submit your thesis, and an evaluation committee will be appointed.
The Dr. Philos. degree is awarded on the basis of:
- An approved scientific thesis
- Two approved trial lectures: one on a topic assigned to you and one on a topic of your choice
- A satisfactory public defense of the thesis (disputation)
Please note that the Dr. Philos. thesis is an independent scientific work. The university does not provide financial support, guidance, or any other assistance during the process.
A Dr. Philos. thesis
The thesis must address a topic relevant to one of NMBU's academic fields. Below, you will find the requirements for a Dr. Philos. thesis, as well as the prohibitions, as outlined in NMBU's Dr. Philos. regulations.
Thesis requirements
Work not eligible for evaluation
Whats the meaning of the phrases 'independent scientific work' and 'the scope of the thesis must be considerably more extensive'?
How to apply?
Application to present oneself for the Dr. Philos. examination, should be addressed and submitted to the faculty corresponding to the thematic area of the thesis. There is no specific application form; instead, you are required to compose a formal letter and send it via email to post@nmbu.no along with the faculty's PhD advisor(s).
Together with the application, you must hand in the following:
- a. One paper-based copy of the thesis, and one electronic version (PDF) of the thesis*);
- b. Documentation of previous education (master's degree)
- c. A list of previous scientific works / publications (these must be available upon request);
- and if relevant
- d. Documentation of residence permit in Norway
- e. Documentation that the thesis has association to Norway (applies to non-Nordic citizens)
*) The Dr. Philos. regulations state that only "One bound or booklet paper copy of the thesis" must accompany the application. For practical reasons, you should attach an electronic copy when you send the application by e-mail, and send the paper version to the faculty's postal address:
Faculty of …
PhD advisor NN
PO Box 5003 NMBU
1432 Ås
Tips for applicants
Feel free to include in the application the declarations you are asked to provide, and the attachments that are mandatory for the formal submission of the thesis, this makes the whole process go faster:
- - Declaration as to whether the thesis is submitted for assessment for the first or second time;
- - Declaration that the thesis has not been submitted for assessment at another institution;
- - Declaration that all or parts of the thesis have not previously been assessed by another Norwegian or foreign institution;
and if it is relevant to your research/thesis - - Documentation that the necessary permits have been obtained;
- - Co-authorship declarations for all manuscripts or published articles that have multiple authors.
If you are a foreign citizen, permission to produce can be granted if the applicant has a residence permit in Norway, or if at least one of these criteria is met:
- - the thesis deals with a theme or is based on material that has a direct connection to Norway, or
- - the thesis has a strong connection to Norwegian research in the subject area, or
- - the doctoral work has been carried out during a stay at a Norwegian university or research institute, or in particular contact with Norwegian researchers.
Submission of the thesis
Appointment of an evaluation committee
Following the faculty approval of the application to submit the thesis for evaluation, the rector appoints an expert committee to evaluate the thesis, the trial lectures and the disputation. The evaluation committee must consist of minimum three members and is appointed on basis of a proposal from the faculty. The Public Administration Act section 6 on Partiality will apply to all committee members.
The proposal must explain the reasoning behind the selection of members and indicate how the committee as a whole covers the subject area(s) addressed in the thesis.
Evaluation of the thesis
Within three months after receiving the thesis, the evaluation committee submits a recommendation to the faculty, with individual statements about whether the work is worthy of being defended for the Dr. Philos. degree. The recommendation and any dissenting opinions must be justified in the report.
The faculty will inform you about the recommendation and the candidate will be granted 10 working days to present written comments to the report. If you do not wish to put forward comments, the faculty must be notified of this in writing as soon as possible.
You must send any comments you have to the faculty via the PhD advisor. If the comments may have an impact on whether the thesis can be approved, the evaluation committee should consider the comments before the faculty makes a substantive decision on the matter.
If the committee’s recommendation is unanimous, the faculty will make its decision in accordance with the unanimous recommendation.
If the committee’s recommendation is splitted, the faculty will bring the dissent to rector.
What if the thesis is not approved for public defence?
A thesis that once has been rejected may be evaluated in a new version, either as the only work or as one of several connected works, at the earliest six months after the faculty has rejected the thesis.
A new evaluation can only take place once.
Trial lectures and public defence of the thesis
If the thesis is found worthy of public defence, you will be requested to give two public trial lectures, one with a chosen topic and one with a specified topic.
The evaluation committee assesses the trial lectures. Both trial lectures must be evaluated as passed before the public defence can be held.
Conferral of the degree, diploma
On the basis of the faculty’s report that the thesis, the trial lectures and the public defence have been approved, the rector will confer the degree of Dr. Philos. to the candidate.
The diploma will be issued by NMBUs Department of Research and Innovation.
Rejection of an application for evaluation of a doctoral thesis and a decision of non-approval of
a doctoral thesis, trial lectures or public defence may be appealed pursuant to the Act relating to
universities and university colleges section 4-13 and following of the Public Administration Act
section 28.
Forms relevant to a Dr. Philos. candidate:
There is no separate application form for presentation for the Dr. Philos. degree. The application has the form of a letter addressed directly to the relevant faculty. Send the letter by e-mail to post@nmbu.no and the faculty's PhD advisor(s), see Contact persons NMBU's research training.
- Title page Dr. Philos. thesis NMBU
- Co-author declaration
- Errata - application to correct formal errors
- Press release form
- Printing guide (in Norwegian)