10 fully funded PhD positions announced in VIMAS - first deadlines coming up

By Cathrine Glosli

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VIMAS will in the span of a few months be announcing all 10 PhD positions on the project. Please see more details in the PDF below.

PhD projects

PhD 1 Application of Mobile Big Data / Social Media Data to monitor recreational visits to nature

Location:  Copenhagen University, Denmark

Main Supervisor: Prof. Hans Skov-Pedersen;  Email: hsp@ign.ku.dk


PhD 2 Identifying typologies of nature visitors and destinations using Mobile Big Data

Location:  Helsinki University, Finland

Main Supervisor: Prof. Tuuli Toivonen;  Email: tuuli.toivonen@helsinki.fi


PhD 3 Advancing recreational monitoring and management by combining plural knowledge systems and diverse values through PPGIS for resilient visitor management in times of changes

Location: Copenhagen University, Denmark

Main Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Anton Stahl Olafsson; Email: asol@ign.ku.dk


PhD 4 The role of reliable customer insights in nature-based service/tourism business

Location: Eastern Finland University, Joensuu, Finland

Main Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Henna Konu; Email: henna.konu@uef.fi


PhD 5 Challenges and solutions of financing public goods related to outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism

Location: Vidzeme Univiersity of Applied Sciences, Latvia

Main Supervisor: Prof. Agita Livina, Email: agita.livina@va.lv


PhD 6 When intentions change, does nature benefit? Assessing the potential for long term value and behavioral change among visitors to nature areas

Location: Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway

Main Supervisor: Prof. Øystein Aas, Email: oystein.aas@nmbu.no


PhD 7 Role of natural soundscapes and dark skies experiences in visitor experience in nature

Location: Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway

Main Supervisors: Prof. Øystein Aas and Dr. Rose Keller, Email: rose.keller@nina.no or oystein.aas@nmbu.no


PhD 8 Social inclusion, access, and equal opportunities in visitor management

Location: University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland

Main Supervisor: Prof. Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir; Email: annadora@hi.is


PhD 9 Collaborative governance solutions and management regimes through improved visitor monitoring

Location: Mid-Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden

Main Supervisor: Prof. Peter Fredman; Email: peter.fredman@miun.se


PhD 10 Indicators of recreational values in the landscape – development, implementation, and evaluation

Location: Mid-Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden

Main Supervisor: Prof. Peter Fredman; Email: peter.fredman@miun.se


Published - Updated
