Rector Election

By Kai Einar Tilley


NMBU is moving from an employee to an elected rector. The nomination period is underway. The elected rector will take over in the summer of 2025. The rectorate will be elected. It consists of the rector and two vice-rectors.

Nomination Process

The first part of the process is the nomination of candidates for the election. The proposals must include three people: a rector and two pro-rectors.


  • February 16:   Deadline for nominations
  • February 24:   Formal approval and presentation of candidates
  • March 17-21:  Election period
  • March 31:       Results announced

Nyttige lenker

Valgreglement (no)

Nominasjonsskjema (no)

Nomination form for nomination of rectorat (eng)

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact the Central Nomination Committee

To medlemmer oppnevnt av rektor/Two members appointed by RectorIben Andersen (leder) Dag Inge Våge
To medlemmer i vitenskapelige stillinger oppnevnt av tjenestemannsorganisasjonene/Two members in academic positions appointed by the trade unionÅsa Helena FrostegårdSjur Baardsen
Ett medlem i midlertidig vitenskapelig stilling oppnevnt av tjenestemannsorganisasjonene/One member in a temporary academic position appointed by the trade unionHege Lund
Ett medlem i teknisk eller administrativ stilling oppnevnt av tjenestemannsorganisasjonene/One member in a technical or administrative position appointed by the trade unionFrank Sundby
To studentmedlemmer oppnevnt av studentdemokratiet/Two student members appointed by the Student ParliamentIda Beate LøkenOppdateres for andre studentrepr. når klart
Sekretær for nominasjonskomiteen/Secretary of the Nomination CommitteeHeidi Blom 

Who Can Nominate Candidates?

This excerpt from the election regulations provides more detailed information on who has the right to nominate candidates. Both employees and students may have the right to propose candidates.

§ 11a Proposal of Candidates for the Rectorate

1. A proposal must include candidates for the positions of rector and two pro-rectors.

2. The right to propose candidates is granted to eligible voting employees and students.

3. Proposals submitted to the nomination committee (cf. §3) must be signed by at least five eligible voters. No one may sign more than one proposal. The election committee shall reject proposals that do not meet these requirements.

Who Has the Right to Vote?

The following excerpt from the election regulations outlines voting eligibility.

§ 7 Voting Rights

1. Employees holding at least a 50% position at the unit conducting the election have the right to vote. Voting eligibility is determined based on employment status on the first day of the election.

2. Temporary employees (with an employment contract) hired for a period shorter than one year do not have voting rights unless they have been in continuous employment at the university for at least one year at the time of the election.

3. Employees on leave from their position, to work outside NMBU lose their voting rights.


5. Students have the right to vote at the faculty where they are registered. If a student is not registered with a specific faculty or is registered with more than one faculty, they may decide where they wish to exercise their voting rights. Students must have paid the semester fee (or have an exemption) and be registered for the semester in which the election takes place.

Published - Updated
