Guidelines for Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at NMBU

Chapter 1. Use of AI-based programs at NMBU

  1. At NMBU, the use of AI-based programs is permitted in accordance with these guidelines.
  2. In the online course description for each individual course, it may be stated that AI-based programs are not permitted for use in exams or in other work submitted for assessment in the course.
  3. Definition:
    1. a) Artificial intelligence (AI) is understood as technologies that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks and can improve based on data.
    2. b) AI-based programs are understood as programs or platforms that use AI to generate text, analyze data or perform other tasks.
    3. c) Generative AI is understood as AI-based programs that can generate new content such as text, images or sound based on data.

Chapter 2. Quality assurance of AI-generated information

  1. The student is responsible for ensuring that information generated using AI-based programs is reliable.
  2. The student must follow academic norms of honesty, diligence, and openness, and clearly indicate how and where AI-based programs have been used.
  3. AI-generated texts should not be the sole source of factual information. The student must critically evaluate the AI-generated results and ensure that they are based on research or other relevant literature, represented by concrete sources in the text and bibliography.

Chapter 3. Accounting for AI Use in Submitted Assignments and Other Work

  1. If the student uses AI-based programs in a submitted assignment or in other work to be submitted for assessment or as a compulsory activity in a course, the student must account for the use, e.g., in the assignment's methodology chapter. How the use is described depends on whether AI is used as a writing aid or as a research method.
  2. Language polishing (språkvask) falls under writing support and should be described with a brief explanation of which program (e.g., Chatbot or other AI-based programs) the student has used and how the program has been used in the text. The student is responsible for the final content of the text after completed language polishing.
  3. Spell checking in Word and grammar programs like Grammarly do not fall under AI use and usually do not need to be accounted for. If Grammarly GO and all other AI-based programs are used to generate (or re-generate) large amounts of text, the use must be accounted for.
  4. In courses where language skills are part of the assessment criteria, limitations may be set on the use of AI-based programs for language polishing. The student is responsible for familiarizing themselves with the course's specific provisions for the use of AI (if this is described), the provisions must be stated in the course description.
  5. If AI is used to process data/sources in relation to each other, design analytical frameworks, or develop procedures for an experiment/project - this falls under the research method. The purpose of using AI-based programs and which and how AI-based programs are used must be accounted for. The course description may specify in more detail how the research method should be accounted for.
  6. In courses where coding/programming is part of the curriculum, the course responsible is free to define which AI-based programs are allowed. This must be specified in the course description. If the student uses AI-based programs, the student must account for which programs have been used and how they were used.

Chapter 4. Accounting for AI Use in Written Examinations

  1. In written examinations on campus, the use of AI-based programs will normally not be permitted.
  2. In take-home exams, of shorter or longer duration, the student must comply with specifications regarding the use of AI given in the individual exam paper and in the course description.
  3. Where the use of AI is permitted for answering the exam question, the student must state which AI-based programs have been used and in what way they have been used; corresponding to the provisions on language polishing and research method in chapter 3 on Accounting for AI Use in Submitted Assignments and Other Work.

Chapter 5. Sources and References with AI-Based Literature Searches

  1. AI-based programs can provide fictitious sources, and/or refer to non-academic sources. This applies to both conventional chatbots (ChatGPT etc.) and platforms for literature searches based on generative AI (Keenious etc.). AI-based programs for literature searches do not have access to all relevant and up-to-date academic literature. It is recommended to use sources from recognized scientific journals and databases (e.g., Web of Science, Scopus, and Econlit).
  2. AI-based programs for literature searches can be used where nothing else is specified in the course description and in the exam paper. Such literature searches can, where permitted, only be used in addition to conventional forms of literature searches (database searches at the University Library etc.).
  3. The student is responsible for ensuring the quality of literature proposed or generated by AI-based programs.

Chapter 6. NMBU's Regulations on Suspicion of Cheating and Plagiarism

  1. The student is obliged to familiarize themselves with NMBU's regulations regarding cheating and plagiarism.
  2. NMBU's regulations state that exam papers and other work must be the student's own independent work.
  3. All use of AI to generate text or academic content must be stated. Failure to do so may be considered cheating and may result in the cancellation of the exam and/or expulsion from the university.
  4. Guidelines - handling of suspicion of cheating or other dishonest conduct at NMBU also apply to the use of AI, in particular the provisions in chapter 3 paragraph 3.1 and 3.2 (1) and (7).

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Change log


Chapter 1, Item 3 c): Changed the word "training data" to "data".

Chapter 3, Item 6: Changed from: "In courses where coding/programming is part of the course, the course responsible must decide which AI-based programs are permitted based on the learning outcomes. This must be specified in the course description."