Master's Student at BIOVIT
The master's thesis marks the completion of your master's studies at NMBU. It is an independent scientific work, where you document the independence, knowledge, reflection, maturity, and analytical ability that you have gained throughout your studies.
Information about the Master's Thesis
The process in short
- Find your master's thesis topic and supervisor(s) in the winter/early spring of your first year.
The main supervisor must be employed in an academic position at NMBU or as an associate professor II or professor II at NMBU. - Fill out the Contract - degree thesis along with your supervisor(s). Send the signed contract to the study advisors at the faculty where your main supervisor is employed. The contract must be approved by the faculty well before the work on your master's project starts.
If you collaborate with an external party (company/institution), you must also send the form Agreement - collaborating with a company / external company (simplified version) to the study advisors.
You can find forms, contracts, agreements, and templates here: - Apply to be registered for the correct master's thesis course well before the deadline for course registration in the semester where you will submit your master's thesis (February 1st or September 15th).
The code for your master's thesis course can be found below, under Scope (ECTS and number of hours). - When your registration for the master's thesis course is approved, register for examination also well before the deadline for course registration in the semester where you will submit your master's thesis (February 1st or September 15th).
- Submit the master's thesis by the submission deadline (normally May 15th or December 15th).
- Defend your master's thesis (oral presentation) within six weeks from the hand-in deadline.
Scope (ECTS and number of hours)
Your master's thesis corresponds to a certain number of credits (ECTS), depending on your master's program. The number of credits in turn reflects the number of hours you are expected to spend working on your master's thesis. In some programs, you can choose between different scopes. The course codes for the different thesis scopes of each master's program is shown in this table:
Master's Program (study program code) 30 ECTS 45 ECTS 60 ECTS Agroecology (M-AE) M30-AE M60-AE Animal Science (M-HV) M30-HV M45-HV M60-HV Aquaculture (M-AA) M30-AA M45-AA M60-AA Sustainable Food Systems (M-MATSYS) M30-MATSYS Genome Science (M-GS) M30-GS M60-GS Plant Sciences (M-PV) M30-PV M60-PV Urban Agriculture (M-UA) M30-UA M60-UA Number of hours 750 1125 1500 Selecting a topic/project
Your master's project can be a part of the research that is happening at NMBU, or you can participate in research at an external institution. It is your responsibility as a student to find a master's project and supervisor(s). You should start reflecting on what you wish to work on in your thesis and the possibilites that exist early on. You should have decided on the topic and supervisor(s) in the winter or early spring in your first year as a master's student.
You can find master's thesis proposals at BIOVIT further down on this page. Note that some of the projects may be outdated, but if you find an interesting project you can contact the supervisor/contact person for that project to check the possibilities of doing a similar project. BIOVIT also has a degree thesis day annually in October/November where you can talk to potential supervisors about master's projects.
Supervisor(s) and supervision
In your master's thesis work you will have a main supervisor and alternatively a co-supervisor that assists you in the practical work and writing of the master's thesis. The main supervisor needs to be permanently employed in an academic position or as an associate professor II or professor II at NMBU. You can also have a co-supervisor that is employed at NMBU or externally. If you cooperate with an external institution on your master's project, your co-supervisor will be employed there.
How much supervision you can expect depends on the scope of your thesis. The supervision hours includes all work where supervisors are directly involved, both in project planning, data collection (lab work/field work etc.), data analysis, writing, and reviewing. If you have more than one supervisor, the supervision hours will be split between them.
Scope of master's thesis Number of supervision hours 30 ECTS 40 45 ECTS 60 60 ECTS 80 Content, presentation, and assessment
Here you will find guidelines for the thesis content, presentation, and assessment: Template and guidelines for how to write a master's thesis
Study spaces for master's students at BIOVIT
Study spaces for master's students with supervisor(s) at BIOVIT can be found in the Animal Science building and the Botanical Climate Lab.
More information
At NMBU's webpage for degree theses you can read more about the following:
- Submission of the thesis
- Master's projects at other faculties
- Research ethics, use of personal data, intellectual property rights (IPR)
- Forms, contracts, agreements, and templates
- Resources
- The supervision
- Special syllabus
- Health, safety, and environment (HSE)
- Confidentiality agreement
- Illness/leave of absence/postponed deadline
- Assessment and defence/oral presentation
- The rights of the parties
- Find your master's thesis topic and supervisor(s) in the winter/early spring of your first year.
Master Thesis Proposals
Master thesis proposals at BIOVIT are available on the website for thesis proposals at BIOVIT.
Website with BIOVIT thesis proposals (login with NMBU account)The thesis proposals can also be viewed in a mobile app:
- Download the app Power Apps to your phone
- Log into Power Apps with your NMBU account
- Go to Gradsoppgaveforslag, Thesis Proposals BIOVIT
Previous master thesis proposals
Previous master thesis proposals are no longer available, but can be used as an inspiration for what you can write about in your thesis.
Fish and Aquaculture
Breeding and Genetics
- Sensitivity analysis of genetic parameters for ISA resistance in salmon (Nofima)
- Simulation studies in optimal aquaculture breeding designs
- Success of family production and early grow-out in breeding program for Atlantic cod
- Early sexual maturity in rainbow trout
- A global census of the Atlantic Salmon microbiome
- Fine mapping to unravel genes for resistance to OsHV-1 virus in pacific oyster
- Genetic variation in early survival traits in Atlantic salmon
- Genetic variation of carcass quality traits in rainbow trout
- Grading of eyed-eggs
- Effect of time of stripping on survival of eggs and alevins of rainbow trout
- Use of elite males when producing eyed-eggs for sale
- Derivation of economic values for commercial traits in different production systems in Nile tilapia
- Gene expression profile of Atlantic salmon eggs exposed to hydrogen sulphide
- Functional characterisation of hydrogen sulphide responsive genes in Atlantic salmon
- Molecular and cellular responses to sub-lethal level of hydrogen sulphide of Atlantic salmon post-smolts reared in RAS
- Genetic and breeding thesis in Nile tilapia and Artic charr
- Imputation to whole genome sequencing (WGS) for fine mapping and genomic selection in A. salmon
- Genetic variation of carcass quality traits in rainbow trout
- Estimating microbiability and heritability in Atlantic salmon for feed efficiency
Ethology, Welfare, Water quality and fish health
- Physiological mechanisms underlying personality in the Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) (Iceland)
- Spontaneous behavior, anticipatory behavior and foraging behavior, and its connection to skin pigmentation and stress in farmed juvenile Atlantic Salmon
- Qualitative Behavioral Assessment (QBA) as a welfare indicator for farmed Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry in response to a barren or enriched rearing environment
- Why are salmon jumping?
- Effect of rearing conditions on heart morphology in Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon
- Early sexual maturity in rainbow trout
- Water quality and fish health
- Optimization of rearing conditions for small model fish husbandry
- Veterinarian´s information needs for better decision making about fish health and management
- Impact of different light regimes on fish welfare
- Effect of environmental enrichment on the behavior of salmon fry
- Alternative feed raw materials and their effects on production efficiency, fish welfare and product quality
Feed, Feed Technology and product quality
- Micronutrient requirement in Atlantic salmon (Nofima/Cargill)
- Lipid Nutrition in Atlantic salmon (Nofima)
- Novel feeding ingredients, what is happening with the technical quality of the feed pellet
- Alternative feed raw materials and their effects on production efficiency, fish welfare and product quality
- Factors affecting the salmon's skin quality; macroscopic and microscopic approach
- Estimating microbiability and heritability in Atlantic salmon for feed efficiency
- Topics within sustainable food systems
- Investigating possibilities to reduce Nutrient Discharge of Atl. salmon in open Sea Pens by different diet formulations
Production technology
- Offshore cage farming
- Closed sea cages (Closed contaminent systems) - contact:
- Post smolt production (
- Land based fish farms (
- Fouling on sea cages
- Fish handling
- Optimizing of slaughtering quality
- RAS optimizing
- Testing of solar powered aeration technology for tropical aquaculture
Genetics and Genome Biology
Genome Biology
- Simulation studies in optimal aquaculture breeding designs
- Success of family production and early grow-out in breeding program for Atlantic cod
- Early sexual maturity in rainbow trout
- A global census of the Atlantic Salmon microbiome
- Fine mapping to unravel genes for resistance to OsHV-1 virus in pacific oyster
- Genetic variation in early survival traits in Atlantic salmon
- Genetic variation of carcass quality traits in rainbow trout
- Grading of eyed-eggs
- Effect of time of stripping on survival of eggs and alevins of rainbow trout
- Use of elite males when producing eyed-eggs for sale
- Derivation of economic values for commercial traits in different production systems in Nile tilapia
- Gene expression profile of Atlantic salmon eggs exposed to hydrogen sulphide
- Functional characterisation of hydrogen sulphide responsive genes in Atlantic salmon
- Molecular and cellular responses to sub-lethal level of hydrogen sulphide of Atlantic salmon post-smolts reared in RAS
- Imputation to whole genome sequencing (WGS) for fine mapping and genomic selection in A. salmon
- Genetic and breeding thesis in Nile tilapia and Artic charr
- Develop CRISPR-Cas9 constructs and generate CRISPR-edited perennial ryegrass mutants for Nitrogen uptake efficiency
- Tissue specific gene expression for seed dormancy in wheat using RT-PCR
- Studies of new genetic diversity in oats
- The genetics of rust resistances in spring wheat
- Fine-mapping and functional characterization of an important Fusarium head blight resistance gene in spring wheat
- Evaluation of drought tolerance in selected wheat cultivars under controlled polytunnel conditions
- The effect of temperature on falling number and α-amylase activity in wheat
- Study of freezing tolerance and vernalization in faba bean
- Population genomics in Norwegian Deathwatch beetle (Xestobium rufovillosum) populations
- Convergent molecular evolution of frost tolerance in southern hemisphere grasses (Danthonioideae)
- No sex, but still adapting? – Epigenomic population structure of asexual matgrass (Nardus stricta)
- Analyses of antinutritional compounds in pea world collection
- Investigating phenotypic stability in gene edited potato
- Genetic analysis of phenotypic traits in the forage legume lucerne
- Hormonal control of stem elongation in red clover
- Develop CRISPR-Cas9 constructs and generate CRISPR-edited perennial ryegrass mutants for freezing and mild drought tolerance
- Using CRISPR technology to develop pathogen resistant lettuce
- Mapping QTLs for Seed Yield Traits in Red Clover
- Effect of gamma radiation on expression of genes related to DNA repair, cell division control and epigenetics
- Detecting haplotype-resolved single-nucleotide variants and structural variation in the targeted genes
- Detecting genes and gene networks associated with ice-encasement survival in forage grass timothy
- Thesis proposals on Powdery mildew and gray mold
- Functional validation of candidate genes involved in stem elongation in red clover (Trifolium pratensis L.)
- Comparative analyses of fungal genomes to understand fungal ability to produce lipids and pigments
- Functional validation of candidate genes involved in temperature response in Brachypodium distachyon
Animal Science
- Individual phenotyping of feed efficiency in NRF using stable isotopes
- Genetic and breeding thesis in cow, sheep and poultry
- Genetic correlation between the recruitment ewe lamb’s autumn weight and her reproduction at 12 months of age
- Genotype by environment interaction (GxE) effect on lamb autumn weights: a reaction norm approach using sire models
- Enteric methane from small ruminants: breed differences in digestive anatomy- and physiology
- Inheritance of horn and spurs in Norwegian Cattle
- Coat colour genetics/patteren recognition in Norwegian red cattle
- Breeding more feed efficient and climate friendly Norwegian Red cattle
Animal Science
Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Use of birth weight and 3-week weights in pig breeding to increase vitality and survival in piglets (NORSVIN)
- Male fertility in pigs/Hanndyrfruktbarhet hos gris (NORSVIN)
- Genetic relationship between serotonin level in blood, tail biting and production traits in boars (NORSVIN)
- Fine mapping of chromosome regions underlying exterior traits in pigs (NORSVIN)
- Heritability of dairy cows responsiveness towards humans
- Individual phenotyping of feed efficiency in NRF using stable isotopes
- Genetic and breeding thesis in cow, sheep and poultry
- Genetic correlation between the recruitment ewe lamb’s autumn weight and her reproduction at 12 months of age
- Genotype by environment interaction (GxE) effect on lamb autumn weights: a reaction norm approach using sire models
- Enteric methane from small ruminants: breed differences in digestive anatomy- and physiology
- Udder health indicators from automatic milking systems
- Coat colour genetics/patteren recognition in Norwegian red cattle
- Inheritance of horn and spurs in Norwegian Cattle
- Breeding more feed efficient and climate friendly Norwegian Red cattle
- Relationship between replacement heifer growth and subsequent milk production in Norwegian Red (effects in first and later lactations)
Ruminant Nutrition and Physiology
- Extent and effect of supplementary winter feeding of domestic reindeer in Fennoscandia
- Temporal variation and synchrony in performance of sympatric lambs and reindeer calves
- Salt blocks - effects on pasture and area use in sheep
- Assessment of particle size distribution in feces by use of wet-sieving technique as proxy for nutrient digestibility and digestive capacity in NRF cows
- Silage quality and effect on in vitro methane production, compared to in vivo data
- Methane yield and intensity from three contrasting high-yielding dairy cattle feeding regimes: Grazing, cut-and-carry, and grass silage mixed ration
- Host specificity of the ruminal microbial community in low and high methane emitting dairy cows following complete exchange of ruminal contents
- Efficacy of additives to reduce methane yield and intensity from suckling beef cattle grazing in early and late pasture season
- Additive effects of feed additive combinations (lipids+tannins) on methane emissions and digestibility in dairy cows
- Efficacy of additives to reduce methane yield and intensity from high-yielding Norwegian Red dairy cows grazing early and late in pasture season
- Horse nutrition
- Thesis proposal Feed technology for ruminants
Nutrition and Physiology of Monogastric Animals
- Thesis proposal - dog nutrition and feeding
- Measuring colostrum quality in sows (NORSVIN)
- Different fiber resources influence final physical quality of chicken feed compacts manufactured with single die pellet press
- The potential for maximized use of barley and oats for broilers. Effect of soluble and insoluble fibre
- Optimizing micro- and macrostructure of diets for broilers
- Heat treatment vs acid treatment in layer and breeder nutritional degradation of corn during storage (Trouw)
Animal Ethology, Welfare and Health
- Topic master thesis Ethology/Animal Welfare
- Tail chasing/spinning and associations with lateralization and fear in dogs
- What's a healthy cow? Determinants of livestock health
- Kristiansand Zoo - NB, remember that your main supervisor must be employed at NMBU. For theses on ethology, contact Judit Vas at
Sustainable Food Systems
Genetics and Biotechnology
- “Mi Ca+2-sa es su Ca+2-sa”: hunting poorly known marine green algal species associated with shells
- Master Project on poorly known small marine green algae of the Oslofjord, are you in search of your new species?
- Develop CRISPR-Cas9 constructs and generate CRISPR-edited perennial ryegrass mutants for Nitrogen uptake efficiency
- Tissue specific gene expression for seed dormancy in wheat using RT-PCR
- Studies of new genetic diversity in oats
- The genetics of rust resistances in spring wheat
- Fine-mapping and functional characterization of an important Fusarium head blight resistance gene in spring wheat
- Evaluation of drought tolerance in selected wheat cultivars under controlled polytunnel conditions
- The effect of temperature on falling number and α-amylase activity in wheat
- Study of freezing tolerance and vernalization in faba bean
- Population genomics in Norwegian Deathwatch beetle (Xestobium rufovillosum) populations
- Convergent molecular evolution of frost tolerance in southern hemisphere grasses (Danthonioideae)
- No sex, but still adapting? – Epigenomic population structure of asexual matgrass (Nardus stricta)
- Analyses of antinutritional compounds in pea world collection
- Investigating phenotypic stability in gene edited potato
- Why do different plant species exhibit differential sensitivity towards oxidative stress?
- Genetic analysis of phenotypic traits in the forage legume lucerne
- Hormonal control of stem elongation in red clover
- Can spruce be vaccinated against fungal infection and insect attack?
- Mapping QTLs for Seed Yield Traits in Red Clover
- Detecting haplotype-resolved single-nucleotide variants and structural variation in the targeted genes
- Detecting genes and gene networks associated with ice-encasement survival in forage grass timothy
- Develop CRISPR-Cas9 constructs and generate CRISPR-edited perennial ryegrass mutants for freezing and mild drought tolerance
- Using CRISPR technology to develop pathogen resistant lettuce
- Thesis proposals on Powdery mildew and gray mold
- Functional validation of candidate genes involved in stem elongation in red clover (Trifolium pratensis L.)
- Comparative analyses of fungal genomes to understand fungal ability to produce lipids and pigments
- Dissecting viral replication mechanisms
- Will radioactive radiation under the seed development affect the radiosensitivity of the progeny through impact on the antioxidant apparatus?
Technology- Genetic background of spring wheat canopy multispectral reflectance captured by drone imagery
- Correlation between chemical analysis and hyperspectral imaging?
- Effect of Light quality on growth, yield and quality of cucumbers produced in controlled environment
- Identify opportunities to increase plant production in Norway – new products and/or new production methods
Entomology and Nematodes
- Integrated pest management in fruit –room for beneficials
- Alternative control of plum tortricid
- Biodiversity of pollinators and natural enemies on flowering Norwegian species
- Landscape and orchard effects on apple pests and their natural enemies
- The value of flowering crops to insect predators
- Out of season management and biology of a selected fruit pest
- Rubus stunt stunt phytoplasma – more knowledge on insect vectors in Norway
- Detection and management of pesticide resistance in a selected insect/mite species
- Biology, natural enemies and management of the alien invasive horse-chestnut leaf miner
Plant Pathology
- Potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) and Early blight (Alternaria spp) in potato
- Epidemiology of the fungal disease European canker of apple
- Fungicide resistance screening of the apple scab pathogen, Venturia inaequalis, in Norway
- Diagnosis and control of viruses in recycled nutrient solution in greenhouse cucumber cultivation
- : Function of RxLR effector proteins from Phytophthora cactorum during infection
- Onion health diagnostics using microbiome analysis
- The genetics of rust resistances in spring wheat
- Can spruce be vaccinated against fungal infection and insect attack?
- Several master thesis projects in plant pathology
- Thesis proposals on Powdery mildew and gray mold
- The genetics of race specific and race non-specific yellow rust resistance in spring wheat
Weed Science and Ecotoxicology
- Development of an LC-MS/MS method for the determination of matrine and oxymatrine in licorice and honey
- Elymus repens, Cirsium arvense and Sonchus arvensis – biology and management
- Occurrence of plant toxins in the arable landscape and in food on the Norwegian market
- Pesticides in the environment – transport in soil, water and air
- Pesticides in water from streams in orchards in Hardanger and the effect on aquatic life
- Ecotoxicology: Pesticide use and impacts on water quality – analysis of monitoring data from the JOVA program
- Rodenticides and their fate and behaviour in the environment under Norwegian conditions
- Desiccation in potatoes
Fruits and Berries
- Apple fruit quality and physiological disorders
- Soil health and sustainable fruit production: Effect of compost on fruit quality of apples and cherries
- Prediction of harvest time in sweet cherries
- Correlation between chemical analysis and hyperspectral imaging?
- Viruses of raspberry – loss, epidemiology and control
- Non-destructive measurements in strawberry fruits
Feed Plants and Seed plants
- Tissue specific gene expression for seed dormancy in wheat using RT-PCR
- Studies of new genetic diversity in oats
- Assessments of N-uptake, grain yield and grain protein content in barley
- Historical kernel and spike trait changes in Norwegian spring wheat
- The genetics of rust resistances in spring wheat
- Genetic background of spring wheat canopy multispectral reflectance captured by drone imagery
- Fine-mapping and functional characterization of an important Fusarium head blight resistance gene in spring wheat
- Evaluation of drought tolerance in selected wheat cultivars under controlled polytunnel conditions
- The effect of temperature on falling number and α-amylase activity in wheat
- Study of freezing tolerance and vernalization in faba bean
- Evaluation of drought tolerance in selected wheat cultivars under controlled polytunnel conditions
- Agronomic performance of forage species mixtures in sustainable agriculture
- Agronomic performance of variety mixtures and selected populations of wheat in sustainable agriculture
- Genetic analysis of phenotypic traits in the forage legume lucerne
- Hormonal control of stem elongation in red clover
- Mapping QTLs for Seed Yield Traits in Red Clover
- Chocolate spot in faba bean
- Plant traits in varieties of faba beans and-or peas important for cultivation in Norway
- Food quality in varieties of faba beans and-or peas important for cultivation in Norway
- Analyses of resistance to pre-harvest sprouting in Norwegian-grown varieties of cereals
- Quality in winter wheat for milling and baking
- Protein content and seed size distribution in varieties of faba bean
- Development of the grain/straw/stubble/root-ratio in cereals over the last century and possible implications for the soil organic matter content (NIBIO)
- Topics within sustainable food systems
Vegetables and Potatoes
- Potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) and Early blight (Alternaria spp) in potato
- Onion health diagnostics using microbiome analysis
- Desiccation in potatoes
- Analyses of antinutritional compounds in pea world collection
- Investigating phenotypic stability in gene edited potato
- The potato tissue culture bank and genetic resources
- Master thesis proposals in potato (Fagforum potet)
Plant Production in Controlled Environment
- Effect of Light quality on growth, yield and quality of cucumbers produced in controlled environment: pdf
- Tobamoviruses in greenhouse crops
- New production methods: Pre-cultivation with/without rhizobium inoculation of broad bean/field bean for field outplanting
- Post harvest-analysis of tissue distribution and lignin content in different rutabaga cultivars
- Cultivation potential in Norway of seed crops for food to increase local production of plant protein
Methods and Statistics courses
These courses may be useful in preparation for or during the master's thesis work.
UNIFOR (Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskaps forskningsfond)
Stiftelsen Smebøls Landbrukslegat
Norsk landbruksrådgivnings masterstipend
NMBU Sustainability Arena: TOWARDS sustainable cities and communities
Telemarksforsking masterstipend
Telemarksforsking og COASTREC/FRIKYST - masteroppgaver om Oslofjorden