Ceremonial marking of new doctors at NMBU

Dr. Rebecca Cavicchia, talte på vegne av de nye doktorene.
Dr. Rebecca Cavicchia, spoke on behalf of the Doctors. Photo: Tommy Normann

Every year, NMBU’s new Doctors of Philosophy and their research are honoured in a formal ceremony. This year, 82 candidates were celebrated. Among the 45 new doctors present, 18 different countries were represented.

A completed doctoral dissertation is a great personal achievement, whilst also being of great value for society. It is therefore important for NMBU to commend our new doctors.

Amongst the newly qualified doctors was Stella Namanji, who travelled nearly 7000 kilometres to attend the ceremony.

"This day is a milestone – not only for you personally, but also for this university", said Rector Siri Fjellheim in her introduction to the ceremony.

Rector Siri Fjellheim, ceremonial marking of new doctors, 2023.
Rector Siri Fjellheim, ceremonial marking of new doctors at NMBU, 2023.

"Our mission is to make a joint effort for a sustainable future. Securing humanity’s common future is no small job. It takes patience, resilience and hard work – as I am sure all of you doctors have realized at some point in your work. But most of all, this job requires knowledge. We can never get enough of it. Your contributions to science and to society are significant – in every respect. Your work has brought us closer to reaching our goals", continued Fjellheim.

"It is a great pleasure for us to celebrate you and your efforts here today"

Camilla Stoltenberg, ceremonial marking of new doctors, 2023.
D.M.Sc. Camilla Stoltenberg, ceremonial marking of new doctors at NMBU, 2023.

Main speaker D.M.Sc. Camilla Stoltenberg shared her thoughts and experiences with the inspiring lecture What’s the point of research? Science in a time of crises.

NMBU’s Prorector for Research and Innovation, Finn Arne Weltzien encouraged the new doctors to never stop learning.

"The research competence that you have gained stimulates critical thinking, judgment, and analysis", said Weltzien.

Prorector for Research and Innovation Finn Arne Weltzien, ceremonial marking of new doctors, 2023.
Prorector for Research and Innovation Finn Arne Weltzien, ceremonial marking of new doctors, 2023. Photo: Tommy Normann

"Only by challenging outdated attitudes and ways of thinking will it be possible to create a road to sustainable development. Knowledge gives people opportunity and influence. Therefore, use your knowledge to develop wisdom. Because wisdom is needed for us to make the right choices", continued the Prorector.

The Alf Bjørseth’s Inspiration Award to Vilde Leipart

Vilde Leipart, ceremonial marking of new doctors, 2023.
Vilde Leipart, the winner of the Alf Bjørseth Inspiration Award 2023. Photo: Tommy Normann

Each year, NMBU presents NOK 100 000 to the winner of the Alf Bjørseth Inspiration Award for the best doctoral work within the areas of renewable energy and/or biosciences.

This year’s winner was Vilde Leipart. In her doctoral research, Leipart created a structural model of the vitellogenin protein and used the model to understand how it functions in honeybees. Her results are important to our understanding of the effects of vitellogenin on the health of honeybee colonies.

NMBU Research Award to Erlend Dancke Sandorf

Portrett av Erlend Dancke Sandorf.
Førsteamanuensis Erlend Dancke Sandorf har ansvar for emnet. Photo: Tommy Normann

The NMBU Research Award was established in 2015 and is handed out every second year. NOK 100 000 is presented to the winner in recognition of younger researchers at NMBU who have carried out research of exceptionally high quality, who are at the international forefront, who have a high impact on their academic environment, and who have shown a high level of individuality and the ability to be innovative.

"This year’s winner’s research accumulated evidence from economics, psychology, marketing and natural sciences, and developed novel Stated Choice experimental designs that are more realistic - and consequently more reliable and usable as foundation for policy decisions", Rector Siri Fjellheim read from the jury’s reasoning.

Concluded with a banquet

Group photograph, ceremonial marking of new doctors, 2023.
Group photograph of new doctors. Photo: Tommy Normann

The doctoral ceremony was closed with a group photograph on the stairs outside the Clock building, followed by a banquet at Vitenparken.

Published - Updated
