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Open Access, Research Publications and Research Data

Cristin: Norwegian Research Publications

Brage: NMBU's Open Research Archive

NORA: Norwegian Open Research Archive

DataVerseNO: NMBU's Open Data Archive

Brage - NMBU's open digital research archive

  • About Brage

    Scientific articles, doctoral theses, Master’s theses, and other works will be published in Brage. All content will be openly available as full text documents on the internet (Open Access). The primary purpose of the university’s research archive is to make the work produced at NMBU more internationally visible and available to the general public. In Norway, all the relevant archives are searchable through the national search system NORA. The works published in Brage can also be retrieved via international search engines such as Google. 


  • Master’s theses and other student's theses

    All NMBU Master's students must submit the electronic version of their Master's theses in WISEflow. All approved Master’s theses will be made available in Brage as soon as they have been released for publication.

    Please find more information and a checklist here.

    More information for Master's students.

  • Self-archiving scholarly articles in full text

    Articles published in scientific journals must be self-archived in Brage. This also applies if, as an author, you transfer rights to a publisher in connection with the publication of an article. Most publishers allow such archiving in the author's institutional archive. The publisher's version/final version of the article can be archived if the article is published openly (Open Access). If the article has not been published openly, the last accepted version after peer review of the article must be archived. This version of the article is also known as post-print.

    The document (PDF/word) must be uploaded via CRIStin at the same time as you register the article there.

    1) Retain the right to self-archiving when you sign the contract with the publisher

    The contract is made with the publisher after the article is accepted for publication. When signing the contract, the author must ensure that he/she retains the right to self-archiving the article. Many publishers have already made provision for this and include it in their standard contract. If the publisher's standard contract does not give you the right to make your own archival copy, you can use the text below.

    You can cross out the section of the text which does not apply and insert the following:

    • Norwegian version:
      [Forfatteren] overfører til forlaget rettighetene til verket med unntak av følgende rettigheter som [forfatteren] vil beholde:
      Retten til å egenarkivere en kopi av verket i Brage, databasen for digitale utgivelser ved Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet, hvor dokumentet vil gjøres tilgjengelig på nett i fulltekst.
    • English version:
      In addition to any rights under copyright retained by Author in the Publication Agreement, Author retains:
      The right to self-archive a copy of the work in Brage, the institutional repository at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, through which the copy will be available electronically. The work means last submitted version after peer-review. The work is made available in the repository without embargo.

    You may also use the SPARC (Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition) author addendum.

    2) What if you have already signed the contract?

    If you have already signed the publication contract, you can, at a later date, get permission to self-archive the article. Some publishers give general permission to self-archiving articles which have been accepted with the result that you do not need to apply separately for permission to do so (check the contract you have signed). Other publishers do not give this general permission, and it is here that you must make application for self-archiving. You can use the form below.

    Permission from the publisher (article)
    Before you can self-archive your articles you must have permission from the publisher.
    You may use the form: Permission from the publisher
    (Request to use materials published in one of your journals)

    Permission from the publisher (article for a doctorate)
    Before you publish the articles for your doctorate electronically, you must have permission from the publisher.
    You may use the form: Permission from the publisher
    (Request to use materials published in one of your journals)

    Permission from joint authors
    Before you self-archive your articles, you must have permission from your joint authors.
    You may use the form: Permission from the joint author
    (Request to publish material on the Internet)

    Do you have any questions or problems with self-archiving? Do you need help in contacting the publishers? Then get in touch with the Brage group for self-archiving.


    Pre-print is the version of a scholarly document before it has been sent to specialists in that particular field for evaluation. This version can be revised after comments from a specialist.

    Post-print is the final version of a scholarly document, and includes revisions after any comments from the specialists, or without comments, if the original document has been accepted.

    Publisher's version/PDFis the final published version with the publisher's or journal's logo, layout and page numbers. In most cases this version is not allowed to be included in a thesis .

    Self-archiving: Depositing an article in full text in Cristin, or submitting a thesis in Brage. 

  • Agreement for electronic publication

    The agreement permits NMBU to publish a document in Brage.

    Before your document is published in Brage you will have to accept an agreement for electronic publication. The essence of this agreement is that the author retains copyright to the publication, but permits NMBU to publish it in NMBU's open research archive – Brage.

    The author must clarify the consequences of publishing material in Brage in relation to publishing companies, journals or other copyright holders. By accepting the agreement you assure that you have obtained necessary concent from all parties involved.

    Note: you will not be able to publish your document via Brage unless you accept this agreement while submitting. Consequently there is no need to print out this agreement unless someone else is submitting your document on your behalf. The agreement will only have to be accepted once per document and not by every co-author.

  • About copyright and the content of Brage

    Publication in Brage is regulated by the Norwegian Act relating to copyright in literary, scientific and artistic works, etc. (The Copyright Act), and entails no limitation on the author’s exclusive right to dispose of a literary, scientific or artistic work by producing permanent or temporary copies thereof and by making it available to the public. Publication in Brage therefore requires the author's consent.

    Copyright is the author’s right to their work as well as the right to decide how the work is used. The author has both financial and moral rights. The financial rights entitle the author to make decisions over the work, while the moral rights include the right to be named as the author and protection against reproduction of the work in a manner or in a context prejudicial to the author.

    As regards the content of Brage, this means that the author retains copyright to the publication, but permits users to copy and quote from the work as well as to communicate it to others. It is a condition that the author(s) and the publisher are named. Commercial use of the work is not permitted except by written agreement with the author. In this context, commercial use is understood to mean cases in which a third party wishes to exploit the material commercially. The work may not be altered in any way.
    These conditions are described in more detail at Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    About copyright in connection with filing of own articles in Brage

    The filing of one’s own articles means that you, as the author of a scientific article, can publish a copy of the article in the university’s open institutional archive, Brage. Since Brage is an open archive on the internet, this will also make it easier to share your research results with colleagues. Research also shows that articles that are openly available on the internet are more visible and are quoted from more often (i.e. have greater impact) than articles that are only available via subscription services.

    For articles published by a publishing company, the company's consent must be obtained before parallel publication in Brage. Most publishers usually require the authors of scientific articles to transfer the rights to the article to them. In other words, the author may lose their financial rights to their own work and have to request permission to distribute or reproduce the article etc.

    As a result of the increasing focus on free access to institutions’ own research, most publishing companies now permit parallel publication in institutional archives, where the author personally files their article. However, the conditions vary between publishing companies. You should therefore check ’your’ publishing company’s conditions in the Sherpa/Romeo list.

    About copyright and doctoral theses in Brage

    Monographs - the author has full copyright under the Copyright Act and is free to grant permission for publication of the thesis in Brage.

    Article-based – comprises a number of articles and a summary section. The author has full copyright to the latter and is free to permit it to be published in Brage. For the articles, the same limitations apply as for filing of own articles (see above). Permission must be obtained from publishing companies (and co-authors, if relevant) before articles can be published in Brage.

    It is our impression that publishing companies are generally more accommodating in the conditions they stipulate when an article is part of a thesis than in the case of isolated articles.

    About copyright and publishing of Master’s theses in Brage

    The author has full copyright under the Copyright Act.

    The university has decided that Master's theses will be published in Brage. Once the thesis has been published in Brage, it is securely saved and will be available to yourself and others in future via a permanent internet address. This makes it easy for you to include links to your thesis in applications and references. Brage is also open for registration and publication of previously approved theses. Contact the Brage group at the University Library for help with this.

    • See also Information for Master’s students.

Brage Support at NMBU


Cristin, Research Data and Open Access

  • Cristin (Current Research Information System in Norway)

    Cristin is the official national reporting system used by researchers and research institutions in Norway to register and profile publication data, projects and competences. The deadline for registering all scientific works published in 2024 is 31 January 2025.

    Academic publishing and publishing points:

    • All scientific publications and dissemination of research results at NMBU like scientific articles, monographs and anthologies (books), book chapter, conference proceedings and conference papers must be registered in Cristin.
    • Cristin also forms the basis for the reporting of publication points, which in turn determines part of each research institution's annual budget. More about publication points.
    • Popular scientific publications, presentations, chronicles and more may be registered in Cristin, however, these will not be credited with publishing points.
    • Academic employees and students must check that their publications have been registered in Cristin.
    • Some publications are automatically imported to Cristin from large databases such as Scopus (international) and NORART (national and Nordic).
    • Publications that are not imported must be registered manually.
    • The Norwegian Research Council requires that their project codes are registered in Cristin (from 01.10.2017). Always register project codes for European Commission (EU) and other project funders.

    Academic publications will be checked and approved by the Cristin contacts at the faculties before they are reported and given publishing points in the publication indicator system ("tellekantsystemet").

    Author’s addresses:

    • "Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet" or "Norwegian University of Life Sciences" and the name of the faculty at NMBU ("Faculty of …") is to be used as the author’s address when the author has completed work in the capacity of employee or student at NMBU.  Institute name ("Department of...") may be used where necessary.
    • NMBU receives no point rewards for publications for which the researcher has not entered NMBU as the author’s address. Names of the section, department or centre are NOT a sufficient address.
    • If the author of a given publication is entered with two addresses, both addresses MUST BE registered in the CRIStin post. Both addresses are displayed behind the name of the person in the list of contributors.

    Self-archiving/uploading of publications in Cristin:

    1. After you have published your article, register the article in Cristin.
    2. For hybrid articles (in NON "gold" Open Access journals): Self-archive/upload the accepted version in Cristin which is the last version you have received from the journal before publishing. The accepted version is the last peer-reviewed digital version of the article, but before the journal's logo and lay-out are set on the publication.
    3. For "gold" OA articles": Self-archive/upload the publisher's version (pdf) of the article.
    4. For articles in journals covered by the new agreements with the publishers Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, SpringerNature, Sage, American Chemical Society and Oxford Univ. Press NMBU researchers are allowed to publish Open Access without extra cost.
    5. The corresponding author must be affiliated with NMBU and they have to choose the correct affiliation while submitting a manuscript.
    6. It is allowed to self-archive/upload the publisher's versions (pdf) of the articles in Cristin to be  open accesible in Brage NMBU.
    7. The University Library (Brage group) will check the embargo periode (set by the publisher) for hybride and other articles which are not "gold" Open Access before the articles are made open accesible in Brage.

    Contacts at the faculties:


    • January 31: Registration of publications for the preceding year
    • November 30: Suggest new publication channels at Level 1


    How to register:

    Question about Cristin:

  • Research data archiving

    Research data are the records/notes/reports gathered or produced during a research project. Research data that forms the basis of a scientific publication or a finished project must be archived and made available through approved national or international archives.

    The NMBU guidelines for research data management are in accordance with the national strategy. This implies that research data should, as far as possible, be made openly available for reuse and redistribution.

    Researchers at NMBU can use DataVerseNO for open data archiving. Archived datasets are assigned a DOI, and version control ensures that all changes made to published are registered and made visible.

    The University Library manages the archive, including the review of all datasets before publication, and offers guidance when needed. Get in touch at and we can help determine if the archive is suitable for your data.


    Visit the archive:

    External links:

  • Open publishing agreements

    NMBU takes part in a selection of agreements for open access publishing. The agreements either cover publishing costs (APC) or provide a discount.

    Not all journals are covered through the agreements. Use Kanalregisteret (Norwegian register for scientific publishing channels) to check if a journal is included. Kanalregisteret also shows agreements that NMBU is not part of. Click on a journal title to find information about participating institutions.

    03.03.25: Kanalregisteret is now updated with information about current agreements.

    Applies to all agreements:

    • Corresponding author must be affiliated with NMBU.
    • NMBU must be listed as affiliation in the article.
    • When choosing a license, we recommend Creative Commons CC-BY.
    • Articles must be accepted for publication within the agreement duration period.
    • Costs beyond APC (e.g. coloring, extra pages etc) are not covered by agreements.
    • When discounts apply, the author/faculty must cover the remaining cost.

    American Chemical Society (ACS):

    Duration01.01.25 - 31.12.27
    Agreement includesPublishing costs (APC) and reading access
    How it worksState NMBU as affiliate institution during the ACS publishing process (pdf)
    Further informationTitle list (.xlsx)


    Duration01.01.25 - 31.12.27
    Agreement includesPublishing costs (APC) in hybrid journals* and reading access
    15% discount on APC in gold journals*
    How it works State NMBU as affiliate institution during the Elsevier publishing process (pptx)
    Further informationTitle list (.xlsx)
    Note: Tab 1 (CH and CPH) shows hybrid journals*
    Tab 2 (Fully gold) shows gold journals*

    IWA Publishing:

    Duration01.01.25 - 31.12.25
    Agreement includesPublishing costs (APC) in 14 journals (NB: not Ingeniería del Agua)
    How it worksUse your e-mail address on article submission
    Or: Provide your ORCID on article submission (assuming affiliation is up to date)
    Further information

    Oxford University Press (OUP):

    Duration01.01.25 - 31.12.27
    Agreement includesPublishing costs (APC) in hybrid journals* and reading access
    15% discount on APC in gold journals*
    How it worksState NMBU as affiliate institution during the OUP publishing process (pdf)
    Further informationTitle list (.xlsx)


    Duration01.01.25 - 31.12.26
    Agreement includesPublishing costs (APC) in hybrid journals* and reading access
    20% discount on APC in gold journals*
    How it worksState NMBU as affiliate institution during the SAGE publishing process (pptx)
    Further informationTitle list hybrid journals (.xlsx)
    Note: Information in tab 'Sage Premier 2025'

    Title list gold journals (.xlsx)
    Note: Check last column - some journals on list are not included


    Duration01.01.25 - 31.12.27
    Agreement includesPublishing costs (APC) in hybrid journals* and reading access
    How it worksState NMBU as affiliate institution during the Springer publishing process (pptx)
    You may be asked to enter an "APC token" during registration, but do not have
    to enter anything.
    Further informationTitle list (.xlsx)

    Taylor & Francis:

    Duration01.01.25 - 31.12.26
    Agreement includesPublishing costs (APC) in hybrid journals* and reading access
    How it worksState NMBU as affiliate institution during the T&F publishing process (pptx)
    Further informationTitle list (.xlsx)

    *Journal types:

    • Gold journals: Open access is the only publishing option. In Kanalregisteret, these journals are listed as 'indexed by DOAJ'.
    • Hybrid journals: Open access is an optional publishing solution. For hybrid journals included in an agreement the full publishing costs (APC) is covered. In cases where a hybrid journal is not covered by an agreement, requirements for open access can be fulfilled by uploading the accepted manuscript (post-print) in Cristin.

    More information about Open Access

Support at NMBU