Databases and Subject Guides

Literature and databases
Scientific literature and alternative sources
Students and staff at NMBU have access to a variety of digital sources and databases with articles, books, and other materials, for use in research, studies, and paper writing.
Sources marked with * are only available to staff and students at NMBU.
Subject guides for the different faculties
Databases A-Å
African Journals Online (AJOL): Covers scientific journals journals published in a range of African countries. Approximately half of the content is Open Access (2019).
AGRICOLA*: 1970-present. National Agricultural Library, USA. Free access: AGRICOLA (NAL)
AGRIS: 1975-present. International database covering agricultural sciences, FAO.
ATEKST*: Full text access to the majority of Norwegian newspapers.
B Union catalogue of Danish libraries.
Biblioteksøk: Union catalogue of Norwegian libraries.
Biological Abstracts*: 1985-present. Citations with abstracts for journal articles covering all aspects of the life sciences dealing with animals (including humans), plants and microorganisms.
Brage NMBU: NMBU's Open Research Archive (full text).
- Information | SearchByggforskserien: Students at NMBU can create a student subscription to SINTEF's Byggforskserie (Building Research Series). The series provides documented solutions and recommendations for the design, construction and management of buildings. The subscription costs NOK. 350, - incl. VAT per year (2019). All content and web page in Norwegian. Create a student subscription.
CAB*: 1910-present. Citations with abstracts to international literature in the agricultural sciences, including tropical agriculture, and related areas of applied biology.
CINAHL*: Cumulative index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature.
Cristin: Norwegian research publications/projects. Contains publications from NMBU (1997-present).
DBH: The database for statistics on higher education in Norway.
EconLit*: 1886-present. An index of journal articles, books, dissertations and conference papers relating to economics.
Eldis: Online documents and organisations. Gateway to development information.
Eric*: 1966-present. Indexes journal articles, books, theses, conference proceedings and unpublished reports in education.
FAOSTAT: The world’s largest and most comprehensive statistical database on food and agriculture (FAO).
GreenFILE: Research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment.
More informationH
Helka: Union catalogue of Finnish libraries.
Health Library*: Helsebiblioteket - Health sciences and medicine.
I*: 2001-present. Nearly 50 Norwegian (and Nordic) journals in full text (Universitetsforl.). Subjects: law, education, health and social work, social studies, humanities, economics and science.
- All journalsISSN Portal: Full title of journal abbreviations.
Journal Citation Reports (ISI)*: Presents quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world's leading journals and their impact and influence in the global research community.
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)*: Peer reviewed journal that mainly consists of videos describing methods, techniques and experimental approaches. Institutional license to access JoVE Biology, JoVE Neuroscience, JoVE Medicine and JoVE Immunology and Infection.
LIBRIS: Union catalogue of Swedish libraries.
Lovdata: Free access to legal sources.
Lovdata Pro*: Provides access to a collection of Norwegian and European legal resources, as well as personal work tools such as text markings, references and comments. All students in NMBU's legal subjects will use this system as a tool for study and exams, and should create a user account at the start of the semester. Employees and students at NMBU can also use Lovdata Pro. Follow the link to create a user account. The document is in Norwegian. For more information in English, go to
Medline (OVID)*: 1946-present. All areas of medicine, including dentistry and nursing.
Medline (EBSCO)*: See also PubMed.N
The National Library of Norway: The collections of the National Library of Norway.
NMBU's Særsamlinger: Currently not available. References to old books, serial monographs etc. Includes Det norske hageselskaps bibliotek, Torfinn Skards samling av hagebrukslitteratur, Stephan Nyelands samling, Det kgl. Selskap for Norges Vels bibliotek, Historisk samling, Norsk landbruksmuseums samling.
NORA: Full text publications. Norwegian Open Research Archives.
OAIster: Full text publications. A union catalogue for Open Research Archives.
Oria: Access to most of the University Library’s electronic and printed resources.
PubMed: 1946-present. PubMed Provides access to Medline citations. Includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources. See also Medline
SciELO: Covers scientific journals published in Latin America, South Africa, Spain and Portugal. All articles are published Open Access.
SciFinder-n*: SciFinder-n gives full access to the whole Chemical Abstracts literaturedatabase, CAS Registry file (Chemical substances), CAS React (Chemical reactions) and Medline.
Scopus*: 1970-present. Reference and citation database. Subject fields: science, technology, medicine and social sciences.
Statistics Norway: Statistics Norway produces statistics on important aspects of the Norwegian society.
Særsamlingsbasen: See NMBU's Særsamlinger
UpToDate*: A comprehensive medical encyclopedia in the Health Library. Covers a range of medical specialties. The starting point is issues from clinical practice.
Web of Science*: Web of Science provides access to multidisiplinary databases of bibliographic information like: Science Citation Index Expanded 1945-present, Social Science Citation Index 1956-present and Arts & Humanities Citation Index 1975-present.
World Bank documents: World Bank documents online.
WorldCat: OCLC catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide.
Databases by subject
General / Multidisciplinary (International databases)
African Journals Online (AJOL): Covers scientific journals journals published in a range of African countries. Approximately half of the content is Open Access (2019).
ISSN Portal: Full title of journal abbreviations.
OAIster: Full text publications. A union catalogue for Open Research Archives.
SciELO: Covers scientific journals published in Latin America, South Africa, Spain and Portugal. All articles are published Open Access.
Scopus*: 1970-present. Reference and citation database. Subject fields: science, technology, medicine and social sciences.
Web of Science*: Web of Science provides access to multidisiplinary databases of bibliographic information like: Science Citation Index Expanded 1945-present, Social Science Citation Index 1956-present and Arts & Humanities Citation Index 1975-present.
WorldCat: OCLC catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide.
General / Multidisciplinary (Nordic databases)
ATEKST*: Full text access to the majority of Norwegian newspapers. Union catalogue of Danish libraries.
Biblioteksøk: Union catalogue of Norwegian libraries.
Brage NMBU: NMBU's Open Research Archive (full text).
- Information | SearchCristin: Norwegian research publications/projects. Contains publications from NMBU (1997-present).
Helka: Union catalogue of Finnish libraries.Samlinger i finske bibliotek.*: 2001-present. Nearly 50 Norwegian (and Nordic) journals in full text (Universitetsforl.). Subjects: law, education, health and social work, social studies, humanities, economics and science.
- All journalsLIBRIS: Union catalogue of Swedish libraries.
The National Library of Norway: The collections of the National Library of Norway.
NORA: Full text publications. Norwegian Open Research Archives.
Oria: Access to most of the University Library’s electronic and printed resources.
Agriculture / Biology
AGRICOLA*: 1970-present. National Agricultural Library, USA. Free access: AGRICOLA (NAL)
AGRIS: 1975-present. International database covering agricultural sciences, FAO.
Biological Abstracts*: 1985-present. Citations with abstracts for journal articles covering all aspects of the life sciences dealing with animals (including humans), plants and microorganisms.
CAB*: 1910-present. Citations with abstracts to international literature in the agricultural sciences, including tropical agriculture, and related areas of applied biology.
Cristin: Norwegian research publications/projects. Contains publications from NMBU (1997-present).
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)*: Peer reviewed journal that mainly consists of videos describing methods, techniques and experimental approaches. Institutional license to access JoVE Biology, JoVE Neuroscience, JoVE Medicine and JoVE Immunology and Infection.
NMBU's Særsamlinger: Currently not available. References to old books, serial monographs etc. Includes Det norske hageselskaps bibliotek, Torfinn Skards samling av hagebrukslitteratur, Stephan Nyelands samling, Det kgl. Selskap for Norges Vels bibliotek, Historisk samling, Norsk landbruksmuseums samling.
Oria: Includes collections from the Norwegian University Library of Life Sciences (NMBU), the Norwegian Food Research Institute (Nofima), the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) etc.
Scopus*: 1970-present. Reference and citation database. Subject fields: science, technology, medicine and social sciences.
Web of Science*: 1945-present. Web of Science provides access to bibliographic information and cited references found in the world's leading journals (sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities).
Use general databases to find more resources.
SciFinder-n*: SciFinder-n gives full access to the whole Chemical Abstracts literaturedatabase, CAS Registry file (Chemical substances), CAS React (Chemical reactions) and Medline.
Use general databases to find more resources.
Eric*: 1966-present. Indexes journal articles, books, theses, conference proceedings and unpublished reports in education.
Use general databases to find more resources.
GreenFILE: Research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment.
More informationHealth & Medicine / Biomedicine
Biological Abstracts*: 1985-present. Citations with abstracts for journal articles covering all aspects of the life sciences dealing with animals (including humans), plants and microorganisms.
CINAHL*: Cumulative index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature.
Health Library*: Helsebiblioteket - Health sciences and medicine.
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)*: Peer reviewed journal that mainly consists of videos describing methods, techniques and experimental approaches. Institutional license to access JoVE Biology, JoVE Neuroscience, JoVE Medicine and JoVE Immunology and Infection.
Medline (OVID)*: 1946-present. All areas of medicine, including dentistry and nursing. (See also PubMed)
Medline (EBSCO)*:PubMed: 1946-present. PubMed Provides access to Medline citations. Includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources. (See also Medline)
UpToDate*: A comprehensive medical encyclopedia in the Health Library. Covers a range of medical specialties. The starting point is issues from clinical practice.
Web of Science*: 1945-present. Web of Science provides access to bibliographic information and cited references found in the world's leading journals (sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities).
Use general databases to find more resources.
Law & Legal Studies
Lovdata: Full text access to Norwegian legal information. Lovdata Pro covers all Norwegian primary legal sources.
Lovdata Pro*: Provides access to a collection of Norwegian and European legal resources, as well as personal work tools such as text markings, references and comments. All students in NMBU's legal subjects will use this system as a tool for study and exams, and should create a user account at the start of the semester. Employees and students at NMBU can also use Lovdata Pro. Follow the link to create a user account. The document is in Norwegian. For more information in English, go to
Social Science / Business / Development Studies
EconLit*: 1886-present. An index of journal articles, books, dissertations and conference papers relating to economics.
Eldis: Online documents and organisations. Gateway to development information.
Web of Science*: 1945-present. Web of Science provides access to bibliographic information and cited references found in the world's leading journals (sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities).
World Bank documents: World Bank documents online.
Use general databases to find more resources.
DBH: The database for statistics on higher education in Norway.
FAOSTAT: The world’s largest and most comprehensive statistical database on food and agriculture (FAO).
Journal Citation Reports*: Presents quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world's leading journals and their impact and influence in the global research community.
Statistics Norway: Statistics Norway produces statistics on important aspects of the Norwegian society
Technology / Engineering
Byggforskserien: Students at NMBU can create a student subscription to SINTEF's Byggforskserie (Building Research Series). The series provides documented solutions and recommendations for the design, construction and management of buildings. The subscription costs NOK. 350, - incl. VAT per year (2019). All content and web page in Norwegian. Create a student subscription.
Web of Science*: 1945-present. Web of Science provides access to bibliographic information and cited references found in the world's leading journals (sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities).
Use general databases to find more resources.
NMBU has a large selection of e-books available for students and staff. Below you will find an overview of the e-book packages, and how you can read the e-books from different types of devices. All e-books are searchable in Oria. It is also possible to search directly in the collections.
CABI Digital Library
NMBU has access to approximately 1200 e-books from CABI. The collection covers the fields of agriculture, the environment, human health and nutrition, veterinary sciences and leisure tourism.
Procedure for browsing a list of the book titles that NMBU has access to:
1) Access:
2) Select "Browse Books" (in the top menu).
3) Select "Access" > "Only Content I Have Full Access To" (in the left menu).EBSCO eBook Academic Collection
NMBU has access to more than 170 000 e-books from EBSCO. The collection covers most fields.
Information on downloading the e-books.E-books at the National Library of Norway
Staff and students at Norwegian universities and colleges can get reading access to compulsory books digitized by the National Library.
Information about access to the e-books.Springer eBooks
Users at NMBU get access to English eBook Collections, copyright 2011-present. There are no restrictions in use at all – unlimited printing and downloading.
More information about the e-books.ScienceDirect
From ScienceDirect, NMBU has access to approximately 50 e-books in the field of health and veterinary medicine. The e-books can be downloaded as pdf.
If you want to find literature on a topic, we recommend that you start by searching a reference database (such as Web of Science, CAB etc.). These databases have links to full text.
NMBU subscribes to a number of journals that give staff and students access to articles in full text. You get access to all electronic journals and most articles via Oria.
Below you will find an overview of e-journal packages at NMBU.
American Chemical Society
Chemistry - 86 journals.ASABE publications (cancelled 01.01.2020)
- ASABE Journals
- ASABE Standards
- Annual Meeting Papers
- Section Meeting Papers
- Conference Proceedings
- Textbooks and Teaching Materials
- Monographs
- Special Publications
- Lecture SeriesASM Journals
18 journals published by American Society for Microbiology.
BioOne.1 og BioOne.2
160 journals from different publishers.
Biological, ecological and environmental
Nearly 80 Norwegian (and Nordic) journals.
Law, education, health and social work, social studies, humanities, economics and science.JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)
Peer reviewed journal that mainly consists of videos describing methods, techniques and experimental approaches. Institutional license to access JoVE Biology, JoVE Neuroscience, JoVE Medicine and JoVE Immunology and Infection.
Collections in subscription:
- Arts & Sciences I
- Arts & Sciences II
- Business I (Economy and finance, 50 journals)
- Business II (Economy and finance, 60 journals)
- Life Sciences (Biological-, health-, and general sciences, 120 journals)
Scanned backfiles (mostly starting with vol. 1 of each journal), no recent volumes.
Select Browse or Search to access via JSTOR.Nature
Journal in subscription:
- Heredity
- Nature (inkl. Nature News)
- Nature Biotechnology
- Nature Climate Change
- Nature Ecology and Evolution
- Nature Genetics
- Nature Medicine
- Nature Microbiology
- Nature Plants
- Nature Reviews Genetics
- Nature Reviews Immunology
- Nature Reviews Microbiology
- Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
- Nature SustainabilityOxford Journals
170 journals from Oxford UP.SAGE Premier
600 journals.
Business, humanities, social science, science, technology, and medicine.Science
1997-present via Science.
1880- via JSTOR but not the last five years.ScienceDirect
1995-present: Freedom-Collection
1800 journals published by Elsevier, Academic Press, Harcourt Publishers Ltd and others.
Business, psychology, medicine, science and technology.
- Backfile Package: Agricultural and Biological Sciences (118 journals).
- Backfile Package: Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine (21 journals).SpringerLink
1400 journals from Springer/Kluwer (merged in 2004).
SpringerLink offers online access to both journals and books (2011-present).
- Backfile Package: 1293 journals.Taylor & Francis
1600 journals.
Collections in subscription:
- Science & Technical (425 journals).
- Social Science & Humanities (1165 journals).Wiley
1200 journals from Wiley/Blackwell (merged in 2008).
Interdisciplinary.Dictionaries* - Kunnskapsforlaget's digital dictionaries are available online at ordnett.
NMBU has access to:
- Bokmål
- Nynorsk
- Norwegian Comprehensive Dictionary
- English Dictionary (Norwegian-English/English-Norwegian)
- German Dictionary (German-Norwegian/Norwegian-German)
- French Dictionary (French-Norwegian/Norwegian-French)
- Spanish Dictionary (Spanish-Norwegian/Norwegian-Spanish)
- Italian Dictionary (Italian-Norwegian/Norwegian-Italian)
- Medical Dictionary (Norwegian, English-Norwegian/Norwegian-English)
- Technical Dictionary (Norwegian-English/English-Norwegian)
- Dictionary of Economics (English-Norwegian/Norwegian-English)
- Oxford Thesaurus of English, Oxford Dictionary of English, Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, Oxford Concise Medial Dictionary
Bokmålsordboka og Nynorskordboka - Norsk språkråd
Den Green Dictionary - developed by NMBU
Terms from food and environmental science, agriculture, forestry, etc.
28,400 English, German and Norwegian entries.Search NMBU's collections
Access to most of the University Library’s electronic and printed resources.
Card catalogues
Older literature (before 1965) is registered in the library's card catalogues. Get in touch for information in the catalogue.
Brage NMBU
NMBU's Open Research Archive (full text). Here you will find scientific articles, theses and student theses written by staff and students at NMBU.
Norwegian research publications/projects. Contains publications from NMBU (1997-present).
Særsamlinger* (Currently not available)
References to old books, serial monographs etc. Includes Det norske hageselskaps bibliotek, Torfinn Skards samling av hagebrukslitteratur, Stephan Nyelands samling, Det kgl. Selskap for Norges Vels bibliotek, Historisk samling, Norsk landbruksmuseums samling.
ATEKST (Retriever)* - Norwegian newspapers
Access to a number of Norwegian newspapers in full text. Archive access varies, for some newspapers access is given back to 1945. There is often no access to the last 7 days.
The full text archives of major Norwegian newspapers:
Aftenposten (incl. A-magasinet), Adresseavisen, Bergens Tidende, Budstikka, Dagbladet, Dagsavisen, Drammens Tidende, Fædrelandsvennen, Klassekampen, Morgenbladet, Nationen, Nordlys, Stavanger Aftenblad, Sunnmørsposten, VG, Vårt Land and others.Local newspapers such as:
Akershus Amtstidende, Moss Avis, Vestby Avis, Østlandets Blad, Ås Avis m.fl.