PhD project: Antecedents and outcomes of multi-local working from the urban planning perspective - The case of Oslo Information for project participants.
24 October 2024 - Tove Vestbø Nicolaysen (VET)PhD degree - Trial Lecture and Public Defense.Tove Vestbø Nicolaysen, Department of Preclinical Sciences and Pathology (PrePat), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will defend her PhD thesis "Characterist…
Skatteforsk seminar: Enea Baseglia Welcome to Skatteforsk- Centre for Tax Research's October seminar!
18 Oct - Martha Grøseth (BIOVIT)PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public DefenceMartha Grøseth, Faculty of Biosciences (BIOVIT) will defend her OhD thesis “ English title of thesis:"Preservation of grass silage for improved protein qua…
Innovations that facilitate a national investment on sustainable feed in the blue and green sectorsAfter nine years of research in Foods of Norway, Norway's first Centre for Research-Driven Innovation in Food, Aquaculture and Agriculture can look back on significant advances in sustainable and reso…
18 October: Eivind Handegard (MINA) Eivind Handegard (Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA)) will defend his PhD thesis "Old trees as Biodiversity Hotspots in Boreal Forests" Friday 18 October 2024.
PhD with an important contribution to Norwegian landscape architectureIn May 2024, Berit Rønsen defended her dissertation titled 'Norwegian Garden Art in a Modern Society – 1930-50: Intentions and Ideals in a Time of Change.' This is a PhD dissertation that is based on …
Changing profession of landscape architecture in the 1960s-70sChanging profession of landscape architecture in the 1960s-70s. A workshop and symposium organised for ‘IFLA Histories 75’ project.
IFLA 75: Uncovering hidden histories in Landscape ArchitectureIn 2023, the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) celebrates its 75th anniversary.