Development and Global Change - 2019

By Emma Susanna Hidas

The programme structure for the Master of Science in Economics with a specialization in Development and Global Change starting in 2019 follows the 45-45-30 ECTS plan.

45 ECTS: Mandatory core courses for all students in the Master of Science in Economics

45 ECTS: These additional ECTS are made up of required specialty courses, prescribed electives and general electives that the student must earn.

25 ECTS in required specialty courses:

ECN350 Development and Global Change, 10 ECTS (Spring) (NB! Not offered in Spring 2022) 
ECN352 Poverty and Inequality, 10 ECTS (Spring)
• ECN303 Impact Assessment Methods, 5 ECTS (Autumn)

10 ECTS chosen from among the following prescribed electives:

• ECN372 Climate Economics, 10 ECTS (Autumn)
• ECN304 Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 10 ECTS (NB! Not offered in Autumn 2021) 
• EDS355 Climate Change and Development, 10 ECTS (Spring)
ECN375 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics - theory and applications, 10 ECTS (Spring)
ECN230 International Economics, 10 ECTS (Autumn)

10 ECTS are to be earned from general elective courses, chosen from among other 200- or 300-level courses in Economics or Business, or 100-level courses from other institutes.

30 ECTS: Master thesis

Published - Updated
