Living and studying abroad for the first time

By Edith Akurut

NORPART exchange student Edith Akurut arrives in wintery Oslo.
NORPART exchange student Edith Akurut arrives in wintery Oslo.Photo: Private

NORPART exchange student Edith Akurut relays her experiences of living and studying in Norway.

Before leaving for my trip on 29th January 2024, I was excited and fearful at the same time. I could not wait to embark on all of the adventures that I knew Norway could offer, but I was afraid of not knowing anyone, being alone, missing my beautiful daughter, and all of the events that would go on at home while I was gone.

Looking back, I feel silly for allowing these worries to cloud my mind. While missing things at home with loved ones did make me feel sad from time to time, this new experience was the best of its kind. I continuously reminded myself that no one back at home was experiencing the new and amazing things that I was in a foreign country. The 4 months that I will spend in Norway will and always will be the best 4 months of my life.

Studying abroad has made me look at everything and everyone in my life through a different, more culturally aware lens; it is a life experience that cannot be beaten.  I didn’t understand how naive I was until I settled in Norway.

Do what makes you happy

Studying abroad helped me to understand the important things in life and the unimportant habits that need to be dropped. Through traveling and living in Norway, I was able to appreciate the little things. I learned to appreciate the value of time, money, friends, and myself. If I can share any advice from my experience it would just be to do what makes you happy, don’t ever feel obligated to do things to satisfy others.

During my lectures, at NMBU I was provided with so many opportunities in class to ask questions and voice my concerns, all of which were addressed appropriately. I felt fully supported by my teachers and fellow students throughout my exchange at the university. The university has good reading spaces, which enable students to read and concentrate. Many resources are available for students, without limitations. I can access the library without a library card and bags are allowed in the library. This has helped build in me a spirit of trust and respect for what is not mine.

In addition, the places where students can access information and help were very effective. The IT department was my favourite place, where I went and was helped without stress each time. The staff are all humble and willing to help without telling me to wait - I was always helped immediately. This is very different to where I come from.

My supervisor made my research work very interesting and nice. He kept telling me 'it would be well, my dear.' His quick comments on every draft sent to him helped me to progress quickly. The lecturers at NMBU have inspired me to look at all people and treat them equally, which we lack in Uganda.

NORPART exchange student Edith Akurut (left) with fellow students at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU.
NORPART exchange student Edith Akurut (left) with fellow students at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU. Photo: Private

Helping me to appreciate home

Life in Norway has transformed and helped me appreciate my country more, because of many good things that are easy to access in my country than in Norway, like greens and fruits. I’m proud that I’ve had the opportunity to go abroad and I took it. I only hope that I have the opportunity to travel more in the future.

I thank God for continually blessing me and allowing me to accomplish my dreams. I know this is only the beginning, so I can’t wait to see what else He has planned for me. I will forever be grateful that I had the opportunity to travel and study abroad in Norway. I would recommend studying abroad to everyone.

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