How can shared mobility contribute to achieving more sustainable consumption?

By Mina di Marino

Økern T-bane station
Økern T-bane stationPhoto: Reshare

In a workshop organized by Pådriv Oslo (ReShare partner) and TØI (leader of ReShare project) was very inspiring and successful. Several stakeholders participated and presented at the workshop, such as i) Oslo Kommune -transportation division; ii) Ruter; iii) Bilkollektivet; iv) Whee; v) Aero-bike. The stakeholders focused on the current strategies and shared solutions which are currently developing to address a more sustainable environment. 

Pådriv coordinated the workshop with around 20 participants, including Pådriv, TØI and NMBU partners, by asking two main questions: 

  1. 1. In what way can the RMS services contribute to sustainable behavior and consumption among residents in Oslo and what effect does it have?
  2. 2. What are the  challenges  for the RMS services to contribute to increased sustainable behavior and consumption among residents in Oslo, and what can / should be done with these challenges?

The workshop concluded that on the one hand, there is a growing demand of flexible solutions and combining different means of transport (soft and shared), on the other hand, the cities must be equipped for these new needs (such as parking areas and new attractive urban functions in the most mono-functional areas). Shared mobility and social sustainability are both important pillars for the participants, but the plans and current land use would need to adapt the built environment to the upcoming trends and respond to users' needs (from all social groups and age categories). 

Published - Updated
