Conceptualizing Nature
What is the role of nature today in response to the climate crisis, changes in ecosystems and landscapes? Welcome to the first of the two-part seminar series: The future of nature across and beyond the disciplines.
Circus building, room 213 (Gamle styrerom), NMBU, Ås campus and via Teams.
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Welcome to the first of this two-part seminar series arranged by NMBU's Centre for Landscape Democracy (CLaD):
Conceptualizing Nature
Friday 9 February 2024, 09:00-11:30, 12:30-15:30
Circus building, room 213 (Gamle styrerom), NMBU, Ås campus and via Teams.
The aim of these two seminars is to initiate a transdisciplinary dialogue and address critical questions on the future of nature.
The evolving conceptualization and interpretation of nature (and rights to it) are interlinked in complex relationships that require moving across and beyond the disciplines.
CLaD members have identified two relevant themes:
i) interpretation/role of nature today in response to the climate crisis, changes in ecosystems and landscapes, and new urban densifications and
ii) new landscape, ecological and planning approaches to preserve nature and improve the quality of the urban environment in our cities (such as Nature-Based Solutions and related concepts such as Ecosystem Services and Green (Infra)Structures).
The seminar will examine current socio-spatial, landscape and environmental challenges from different perspectives (e.g., landscape planning and architecture, urban and regional planning, sociology, climatology, geography, public health, and property and law), as well as identify future research needs.
(Teams link below)
09:00-09:15 Introduction
09:15-09:35 Nature represented and imagined. Aspects of nature in urban landscape projects
Nina Marie Andersen, (School of Landscape Architecture, NMBU)
09:35-10:00 A public health perspective on nature as a resource for human health and well-being
Emma Charlott Andersson Nordbø (Department of Public Health Science, NMBU)
10:00-10:15 Break with refreshments
10:15-10:35 Evolving conceptualization of nature in urban and regional planning of Oslo and Helsinki
Mina Di Marino (Department of Urban and Regional Planning, NMBU), Maija Tiitu (Finnish Environment Institute, Finland), Inger-Lise Saglie (Department of Urban and Regional Planning, NMBU) & Kimmo Lapintie. (Department of Architecture, Aalto University, Finland).
10:35-11:00 Green Space Depletion in Urban Africa: A Comparative Study Between Kumasi and Accra, Ghana
Jonathan Quenin & Kwadwo Nketia Kumankuma Sarpong (post-graduate students, University of Stavanger), Ari Krisna Mawira Tarigan (Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Stavanger).
11:00-11:20 Interlinking the silos -How to stimulate a new debate on more greenery in cities
Roberta Cucca (Department of Urban and Regional Planning, NMBU), Thomas Thaler (Institute of Landscape Planning, Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna) and Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek (Centre for Energy, AIT, Vienna) and Mina Di Marino (Department of Urban and Regional Planning, NMBU).
11:20-12:30 Plenum discussion
Moderators: Maria Gabriella Trovato and Lei Gao (School of Landscape Architecture, NMBU), Ari Krisna Mawira Tarigan (Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Stavanger) and Romina D’Ascanio (Universita’ degli Studi di Roma 3)
12:30 Lunch served
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