Master's in Ecology
Are you interested in ecology, biological diversity and natural processes? Global environmental challenges such as climate change and species extinction make ecologists and their skills more important than ever.
Do you want to work with biological monitoring, conservation, and ecosystem health? Climate change, habitat loss, and pollution are straining ecosystems worldwide. Ecologists are needed to help understand these issues and come up with solutions.
What career opportunities do you have after stuying ecology? Read below to find out!

Silvia: Researching vegetation-climate interactions
Silvia Schrötter is a PhD student at the University of Augsburg. There she is investigating how human land use influences the vegetation-climate interactions in the semi-arid tropics.
Click here to read more about her job
Julie: Working for the Department of Conservation
Julie Percival is working at the Department of Conservation (DOC), which is the leading government organisation responsible for conserving New Zealand’s natural and historic heritage.
Click here to read more about her job