Centre for fish trials
Our land-based fish laboratory conducts research and teaching on salmonids

Contact info:
Ricardo Tavares Benicio
Email: ricardo.benicio@nmbu.no
Phone: +47 93 97 85 95
Arboretveien 40
1430 Ås
Opening hours:
08:00 - 15:00
We offer services in our small-scale RAS facility at the
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), both for the university's research and teaching activities and for external clients within aquaculture.
The facility uses recirculated freshwater (RAS), has fish tanks for feeding experiments and laboratories for studies of fish behaviour, eggs and fry, water chemistry and dissection. Our modern facilities, solid technical expertise and links to the research environments at NMBU provide the basis for research and education at an internationally high level.
We are centrally located on Campus Ås, within walking distance of both the research environments and students. The laboratory has its own production of salmon and rainbow trout used in the experiments. Operations are based on recirculation of fresh water with 3 RAS units.

Services and equipment
Trials and facilities
Booking and prices
Visiting: Arboretveien 40, 1430 Ås, Norway