TIN301 Innovation and Project Verification
Credits (ECTS):5
Course responsible:Odd Ivar Lekang
Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås
Teaching language:Norsk
Course frequency:yearly
Nominal workload:125 hours
Teaching and exam period:January
About this course
The course is designed for students who wish to commercialize an idea based on their own work or through collaboration with others (R&D Institutions , Industry, public sector, etc.). The course consists of two modules that together constitute the core components of an commercialization and verification process in order to develop a suistanable solution for global problem.
The first part of the subject includes feasibility studies (technoeconomic), FTO (Freedom to operate) analyzes, etc. in order to data foundation for further verification. If needed lectures in key subjects within commercialization (business model, IPR, project management, writing and designing applications/project proposls for inital funding) will be provided.
The second part of the subject is based on external assessment of the project and the student must submit a written project description (ref: project description NFR student renewal) together with an oral presentation of the project in front of an panel of experts. As part of this section, individual guidance may be offered to contribute to the design of the project description, pitch training etc.
Learning outcome
After completing the course, the student will know the most important components of an commercialization process and be able to apply these in order to verify new ideas underlined by the two main approaches.
1. "Technology Readiness Level" (TRL)
2. "Business Readiness Level" (BRL)
Learning activities
Assessment method
Examiner scheme
Teaching hours
Preferential right