PPPE301 Pedagogy - LUR

Credits (ECTS):25

Course responsible:Anja Skrepstad Amundrud

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:Rated workload is 25 hours per credit.The work consists of gatherings and work with compulsory activities.

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in August block. This course has modules with teaching/evaluation in August block, autumn parallel, January block, spring parallel, June block.

About this course

The subject of pedagogy is a subject of culture and science that connects history, culture, views on life and politics. The core of the subject includes perspectives on how upbringing and teaching can contribute to students' identity development, formation, and learning, in an increasingly knowledge-intensive society. At NMBU, the subject of pedagogy is linked to the teacher education's vision of Education for Sustainable Development, with emphasis on student perspectives. With this, emphasis is placed on how the teacher in teaching can contribute to the students developing both as individuals, fellow human beings and active participants in democracy and social development. The subject is linked to legislation and curricula for the education. The subject must support the student's development of their own teacher identity, based on professional ethics principles.

The student must show the ability to critically analyze the role of the teacher and the school's activities. The subject of pedagogy is anchored in the Education Act, the regulations of the education and curriculum. In the study, the student must prepare to deal with challenges and opportunities that lie in the use of multicultural learning arenas to promote cooperation, diversity, citizenship, and life skills. Central to the subject is also developing students' relational skills. These skills will strengthen students' ability to build a constructive and inclusive learning environment. They will also strengthen their ability to meet students, parents, and colleagues with professional and interpersonal skills. The course pedagogy will contribute to the student experiencing progression, wholeness, and coherence in the study.

Learning outcome



  • knows research-based knowledge about education and training in a society based on visions of democracy, diversity, equality, and equality
  • can discuss adapted and differentiated training, as well as the use of learning strategies
  • can explain strategies for leading diverse learning communities
  • can, with the support of research-based knowledge, reflect on children and young people's development, motivation, learning and socialization
  • can discuss connections between individual, social, and cultural factors in a diverse and multicultural learning community
  • can account for connections between educational history, the school's mandate, and values
  • have knowledge of the status of education for Sami and indigenous peoples, and their rights to education in their own language
  • can account for the school as an organization, as well as current laws, conventions, and curricula for the practice of the profession
  • have knowledge of difficult life situations and issues that children and young people may encounter and what rights and which supporting bodies it may be relevant to cooperate with.



• can create a motivating, constructive and inclusive learning environment that considers student diversity

• can analyze and discuss content and challenges in legislation, curricula, and management documents as a starting point for their own professional practice

• can guide and provide learning-promoting feedback and help students to reflect on their own learning and professional development

• can build relationships with, communicate, and collaborate with students, colleagues, parents, and agencies that support the school

• can participate in and plan research-based development work in the school, as well as evaluate the work critically afterwards

• can critically assess adapted education in the light of perspectives on citizenship, sustainability, democracy, and life skills.

General knowledge


• has developed its own teacher identity and a critical perspective oriented towards professional development and collaboration in professional communities

• can further develop awareness of own communication and relational competence and handle feedback from students, colleagues, leaders, and parents

• can meet all students, parents, and colleagues through dialogue and with respect

• can orientate themselves in professional literature, raise relevant questions, explore, and discuss these critically and develop their own professional practice

• can further develop their own competence and contribute to both colleagues' and the school's professional development

• can contribute to a good psychosocial learning environment as well as prevent bullying and perform the activity duty.

  • Learning activities
    Introductions to professional analysis, discussions, and reflections of practice and theory. Working in different groups where the students learn and guide each other. Group work, literature studies and writing tasks are key working methods. Students' participation is important.
  • Teaching support
    Teachers and fellow students will supervise the students during the compulsory activities.
  • Prerequisites

    The course is compulsory for students of the LUR-programme. In order to attend this course the students must have passed these courses: PPXP100, PPRA200, PPRA201, in addition to the compulsory subjects in natural sciences, mathematics and/or data science.

    Good skills in Norwegian language, oral and written, are required.

  • Assessment method

    Total examination (Overall assessment?): A written assignment, counts 40%, and an oral examination, counts 60%. Both individually.

    Grading: A-F.

    Oral exam Grading: Letter grades Written hand-in Grading: Letter grades
  • Examiner scheme
    The external examiner approves the routines of assessment of the compulsory activities, the examination assignment and evaluates the written as well as the oral examination.
  • Mandatory activity

    1. A pedagogical development project that is group-based. Grading: Approved/Not approved. Detailed information is given in Canvas.

    2. Obligatory attendance in the gatherings: 80%

    The requirement to sit for the exam is that all required activities are approved.

  • Teaching hours
    The course is based in modules.
  • Preferential right
  • Reduction of credits
    PPPE300 is reduced by 5 credits if it is also included in LUR and the students have fulfilled PPXP100.
  • Admission requirements
    Natural Sciences and mathematics.