PPPE300 Pedagogy
Credits (ECTS):30
Course responsible:Gudrun Jonsdottir
Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås
Teaching language:Norsk
Course frequency:Annually
Nominal workload:Rated workload is 25 hours per credit.The work consists of gatherings and work with compulsory activities outside gatherings.
Teaching and exam period:This course starts in August block. This course has teaching/evaluation in August block, Autumn parallel, January block, Spring parallel, June block.
About this course
Pedagogy is a knowledge base supporting the students development of a professional identity that rests on professional ethical principles and aiming at their contribution towards the development of diverse and inclusive education.
The subject includes research-based perspectives on how to contribute to the pupils' identity development, education, and learning.
Further, promoting and supporting future teachers ability to reflect on educational issues both professionally and ethically. With this, emphasis is placed on the teacher's contribution to the development of students as individuals, fellow human beings and active participants in democracy and social development. The subject of pedagogy relates to the Education Act, the current curriculum for primary and secondary education and training and the needs of society. The subject shall inspire the development and renewal of educational work
At NMBU, the subject of pedagogy is linked to teacher education's vision of education for sustainable development, with emphasis on a multi-voiced learning communities.
Learning outcome
Learning activities
Assessment method
Teaching hours
Preferential right