PJH251 Bedding Plant Production of Flowers and Vegetables in Greenhouses

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Trine Hvoslef-Eide, Sissel Torre

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk, norsk

Limits of class size:15

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:125 hours

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Spring parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in Spring parallel, June block .

About this course

We start early February planning our activities.

The students have to choose 4 species to grow for sale on Fascination of Plants Day in mid May. We sow together, the students transfers to pots when the seedlings are ready. Both vegetatively and seed propagated plants shall be included in the four chosen species/genera for the report.

The students have to plan when to sow, when to transfer, when to give more space and calculate the final space needed for their plants. We sow at 20 C, but the plants needs to be moved to cooler temperatures to grow into nice looking plants. The students need to find this information and provide the right temperature (and daylength) at any given time.

Their written plan for their plant production is to be presented to the teacher by March 15th to make sure it is a doable plan.

The work starts by providing mats and plastic for tables, they need to know the importance of the outlets for water and the three fertilization taps.

The report should include cost calculations and the students will be given the costs of seeds, soil, pots and the cost for eaxh week Sq meter greenhouse space for the calculations.

Prior to the sale in May, the students need to make a description of ALL the plants they have grown (we can divide the task between the students growing the same plants) for the consumers to get together with their purchase. The costs of growing the plants (except labour costs) pluss the labour costs to calculate the right price

Students take care of their own plants with water and fertilization as well as providing enough space at the right temperature. At weekends and durng holidays the plants will be watered when necessary.

Several rooms in the greenhouses are provided to accommodate different temperatures and daylengths. Sometimes decapitation of shoots may be needed. The students need to carefully take notes of all conditions provided, including the soil they use and the dates for all actions. Careful planning of the experiments will need to be done.

Fascination of Plants Day at NMBU will be held in mid May when the plants will be sold to the general public. The students will be expected to take part in the sale (unless they have exams that day) and provide guidance to the customers. The proceeds of the sales will go to Charity.

The students will also participate in cleaning up afterwards to leave the rooms in pristine conditions.

By June 15th a comprehensive report is to be handed in on Canvas for the chosen four species. This report needs to be in the format:

- Introduction (why)

- Materials and Methods (how)

- Results (what did you find)

- Discussion (what did you find that was expected, not expected, what went wrong, what went well?

- Cost calculations for the four species

- References (where did you get your information from )

Learning outcome

Learning outcomes


• The student can plant production in greenhouses of seedlings of flowers and vegetables

• The student knows subject terms such as cuttings, sowing, pricking, potting, spacing, repotting, pinning

• The student knows that different plants are different in terms of growth and development, know about short- and long-day plants

• The student knows why some plants need to be cloned, while others are propagated by seeds

• The student knows the importance of having enough space, fertilizing and watering properly


• Students can sow, pot, prick, pin up and repot

• The student can water, fertilize and care for plants


• The student has some insight into the economics of such production through simple production planning and calculation of gross margins

• The student can write a full report with references

• The student can collaborate with others on irrigation and care

  • Learning activities
    The course is problem based, i.e. no ordinary lectures will be given. We find a time where we meet in the greenhouses every week and the students can ask questions and get advice. Apart from this, we expect the students to read up on their own plants and how to grow them. To give the students insight into production, we will have a visit to a greenhouse grower.
  • Teaching support
  • Recommended prerequisites
    Plant physiology
  • Assessment method
    An elaborate report comprising of how the plants were propagated and grown, and with guidance for the continued growth by the buyers of the plants. Economic calculations are part of the report. The report counts 100%

    Report Grading: Letter grades
  • Examiner scheme
    Use an examinor, as well as cooperation with the teacher in PJH250 in the years this course is given (odd years)
  • Mandatory activity
    Grow their own plants and write a report. Participate in visit to a greenhouse production unit. Participate in Fascination of Plants Day and cleaning up greenhouses afterwards,
  • Teaching hours
    Two hours every week in the greenhouses. The students must water and fertilize their won plants during weekdays.
  • Preferential right
    Students taking this course must have other courses involving plants. Plant Sciences, Urban Agriculture and Biology students have priority (in that order)
  • Admission requirements
    Minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway (generell studiekompetanse)