NATF200 Nature Conservation and Management in Norway

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Katrine Eldegard

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:Structured teaching: ca 35 hours. Students' own effort: ca 90 hours.

Teaching and exam period:This course has teaching/evaluation in January block.

About this course

The subject covers challenges and solutions in the management of Norwegian nature, balancing conservation and use, and various types of utilization. Initially, it provides an overview of the status and threats to biodiversity, evidence base, conflicts of interest, and the history of nature conservation. Topics covered in the subject include: (1) How to jointly address the climate crisis, nature crisis, and pollution? (2) What does the principle of evidence-based management mean, and the relationship between knowledge (and what type of knowledge), science, management, and policy? (3) Stakeholders and roles in the management of Norwegian nature; scientists, public administration, users of nature, NGOs, etc. (4) Tools and measures (legal and economic instruments) used (and not used) to manage and conserve species and nature. (5) How Norwegian nature management is influenced by international environmental agreements and EU regulations. In addition to the course coordinator and contributing teachers from NMBU, guest lecturers from various parts of Norwegian nature management are invited to share their knowledge and experiences.

Learning outcome

Knowledge: The student has broad knowledge of the history of nature conservation, biological diversity in Norway, protection of habitat types and species under Norwegian conditions, as well as basic principles in conservation biology and the link to practical nature management. The student has knowledge of the most important parts of the public and private administrative agencies and entities with responsibility for nature conservation, especially in land management.

Skills: The student can apply professional knowledge to discuss and reflect on various practical and theoretical issues taken from Norwegian nature management, discuss roles and fields of action for various actors in Norwegian nature management.

General competence: The student can discuss relevant issues and solutions both in writing and orally. The student can exchange views and experiences with others with a background in the subject area and have insight into relevant ethical issues.

  • Learning activities
    Lectures, discussions, independent study.
  • Teaching support
    The teacher is available, if an appointment is made, for counselling during office hours.
  • Recommended prerequisites
    NATF100 or equivalent basic knowledge of nature, ecology, and nature management.
  • Assessment method
    Written examination (3 hours) at the end of the course. A combination of multiple choice and questions.

    One written exam Grading: Letter grades Permitted aids: A1 No calculator, no other aids
  • Examiner scheme
    An external examiner is involved in developing and censoring the written exam
  • Teaching hours
    Lectures, including guest lectures with discussion: ca 35 hours.
  • Admission requirements
    Minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway (generell studiekompetanse)