NATF100 Introductory Nature Management

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Ronny Steen

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Limits of class size:Maximum 36 students.

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:Throughout the semesters, students will participate in approximately 22 hours of lectures, 60 hours of day trips, and 12 hours of company visits. The field course will last 30 hours, while exercises will take 8 hours. Additionally, students will spend 120 hours working on the semester project, writing reports, reflection notes, and participating in a mini-seminar that includes presentations (posters) and self-study.

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in August block. This course has teaching/evaluation in August block, Autumn parallel, Spring parallel.

About this course

The topics covered include the natural basis, different nature types and species, conservation and use of resources and nature types, public and private management, as well as an introduction to methods for monitoring nature and wildlife and fishery management.

Learning outcome

After completing the course, a candidate should have achieved the following learning outcomes:

Knowledge: Knowledge about the use and management of Norwegian nature, and current conflict areas related to trade-offs between use and conservation.

Skills: The ability to apply methods for collecting data for use in nature management, process and present these data. Be able to find, assess, and refer to information and literature and present it in a way that illuminates a scientific issue. Write scientific reports and present scientific content to a broad audience.

General Competence: In-depth knowledge of the value assessments that underpin multiple use and sustainable exploitation of Norwegian nature.

  • Learning activities
    The teaching consists of lectures/exercises, excursions, and one field course. Activating tasks include writing a report and reflection note from excursions, data collection on field courses, processing of these data for use in own semester assignments, writing of semester assignment, gathering information from various sources, and producing a poster for presentation at a mini-seminar. Semester assignment writing and poster production are performed in group work with about 5 students in each group.
  • Teaching support
    Guidance is offered in groups in connection with writing semester assignments and producing posters.
  • Assessment method

    Portfolio assessment:

    Students are assessed based on a written semester assignment and scientific posters presented at a mini-seminar. Both parts must be passed.

    Portfolio assessment Grading: Passed / Not Passed
  • Examiner scheme
    The semester assignment and the scientific poster are evaluated by the course responsible, in consultation with an external examiner, based on predefined criteria.
  • Mandatory activity
    To be approved, students must have participated in the first lecture, the field course, submitted one reflection note and a report, and participated in at least 80% of the other activities.
  • Teaching hours

    - Lectures: 22 hours.

    - Day trips: 60 hours.

    - Company visits: 12 hours.

    - Field courses: 30 hours.

    - Exercises: 8 hours.

    - Seminar: 3 hours.

  • Preferential right
    Bachelor students in ecology and management of natural resources.
  • Admission requirements
    Minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway (generell studiekompetanse)