MAST301 Planning the Master’s Thesis for Urban and Regional Planning

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Mina Di Marino

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk, norsk

Limits of class size:45

Course frequency:Annually, spring- and autumn term. Ending in autumn term.

Nominal workload:Lectures, group exercises, seminars ca 30 h. Individual study (including supervision): ca 95 h.

Teaching and exam period:Teaching in spring and autumn term. Evaluation in the end of autumn semester.

About this course

The course gives an introduction to important aspects of the planning and implementation of the master's thesis within the study program of urban and regional planning. Mast301 will mainly focus on:

-Problem statement of the master's thesis

-How to state a problem and provide its theoretical base within urban and regional planning and urban projects. How to choose methods of investigation and how to develop academic argumentations.

-Search of scientific literature, urban and regional plans and urban projects

-Select appropriate methods (e.g. interviews, surveys, spatial/people observations, GIS analyses and other qualitative and quantitative methods)

-Academic criticism and academic discussion

The aim of the course is to prepare a plan for the completion of the Master's thesis which can be used as a starting point for the start of the Master's thesis. MAST301 is organized in the spring semester with compulsory lectures, seminars, student-led discussions in groups and exercises, while a more individual/seminar-oriented part in the autumn term will be organized by the responsible teacher of MAST301, partly with the supervisors for the master thesis.

Learning outcome

  • Students will be able to identify all important aspects of the planning and implementation of the master's thesis within the study program of urban and regional planning.
  • Students will acquire and apply knowledge on how to design a master thesis
  • Students will be able select and employ methods for scientific investigation
  • Students will be able to identify and consider ethical implications of scientific investigation
  • Learning activities
    Seminars with teaching staff, invited speakers and SVs, short lectures, group discussions, subject criticism, self-study, exercises in research design and academic writing, critical reading of scientific articles and other references.
  • Teaching support
    Academic guidance
  • Prerequisites
    Admitted for MA level studies
  • Assessment method
    Assignment Pass / Fail

    Term paper Grading: Passed / Not Passed
  • Examiner scheme
    An external og internal examiner will evaluate the submitted assignment
  • Mandatory activity

    Attendance is obbligatory (min. 80% of attendance of lectures, seminars and group discussion within the class).

    3 assignments (spring)

    2 assignments (autumn)

  • Teaching hours
    Undervisningstid ca 30 t.
  • Preferential right
  • Admission requirements
    Qualified for MA-level studies