M60-MILJØ Master's Thesis

Credits (ECTS):60

Course responsible:Mona Henriksen

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk, engelsk

Course frequency:Annually.

Nominal workload:1500 hours

Teaching and exam period:The master thesis is written during one year. The thesis is delivered according to guidelines in either May or December.

About this course

Master students in Environmental Sciences are required to write a master thesis within one of the specialisations soil sciences, limnology/hydrology, geology, environmental chemistry or radio ecology. Suggested subjects of master theses can be found on the faculty website. The master thesis is a comprehensive, independent academic work of one-year duration. It will include laboratory, field and/or modelling work as well as data processing and analyses. The master thesis will be structured accordingly to academic standards. The student is supervised in this work.

Learning outcome

When completed a master's thesis the student will have obtained the following learning outcome:

Knowledge: The student will have obtained advance knowledge of a specific topic and relevant scientific theories and methods. The student will gain insight into the different steps in a research process.

Skills: The student obtains skills in finding and dealing critically with various sources of information, formulate scholarly arguments, and to analyse and use relevant field, laboratory and/or modelling methods. Further, the student will have gained skills in independent limited research with practical and theoretical problems in accordance with applicable norms for research ethics.

General competence: Under supervision, the student has by accomplishing an independent work and presentation of the thesis, gained general competence of applying his/her knowledge and skills in new areas, and to communicate about academic issues.

  • Learning activities
    The student undertakes research which will result in a scientific report (master thesis).
  • Teaching support
    Guidelines, deadlines, useful links and topic suggestions for master thesis are found on the faculty's homepage (www.nmbu.no/en/faculties/faculty-environmental-sciences-and-natural-resource-management/minas-masters-students). Information about choice of thesis topic, the writing process, deadlines and guidelines are presented for the students during the first year. The student is recommended to use available courses and information from the University Library and Skrivesenteret (writing centre) at NMBU. Each student is entitled to 80 hours of supervision from a supervisor with competence in the subject (includes supervisor's time to evaluate the thesis).
  • Prerequisites
    Solid knowledge within the subject of the thesis.
  • Assessment method
    The master thesis is completed with an oral examination which should be undertaken within 6 weeks from delivery of the thesis. At the examination, the student will give a 20-30 minutes long presentation of the work, followed by questions from the external examiner and supervisor (45-75 minutes). The outcome of the oral examination (presentation/discussion/answers) can impact the final grade of the thesis. The grading follows a national system for studies in mathematics, science and technology. Grading scale A-F.

    Master thesis with oral defence Grading: Letter grades Master thesis Grading: Letter grades
  • Examiner scheme
    The examination committee comprises an internal and an external examiner. The internal examiner is usually the supervisor.
  • Mandatory activity
    A contract between the student and the supervisor(s), including a time plan, should be delivered to the faculty before the work with the master thesis can start. Participation on MILJØ's master-day seminar in February/March with presentation of thesis statement and preliminary results.
  • Teaching hours
    Supervision is undertaken based on agreements between the student and the supervisor(s).
  • Admission requirements
    Students enrolled in the master program in Environmental sciences, and students enrolled in similar master programs at NMBU with thematic overlap and being supervised by a MINA employee.