KBMINT300 Internship

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Hilde Vinje

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk, norsk

Course frequency:Annually, in all teaching periods.

Nominal workload:

250 hours of which

  • 175 hours in company,
  • 75 hours work on the project description, reflection report (including required readings) and presentation.

Teaching and exam period:This course has teaching/evaluation in August block, Autumn parallel, January block, Spring parallel, and June block in agreement with the course responsible. .

About this course

Work practice / internship in a company (or external research unit) relevant to own study within KBM's subject areas. The stay will provide work experience and increase the contact area for you as a student, which is very beneficial in terms of further work. The student will be part of the daily work at an external institution and during the internship period will be able to link theory and research to the daily operations at the internship. The work is regulated in accordance with an agreement between an external institution and KBM

Prior to start-up, the student must:

  • Establish contact with a person at a relevant company (research unit or company) that will be an external supervisor.
  • Find a professional supervisor at KBM (internal supervisor) and suggest which subject areas / companies you want to do an internship within.
  • Write an agreement between an external company and KBM. The agreement is to be written by both the external and internal supervisor and must be approved by the Faculty before enrolling in the course. The agreement describes learning objectives, learning outcomes and which methods / projects the student will be involved in.
  • Student advisors ensure registration for the course after the agreement has been approved.

A reflection report must be written and presented to a relevant professional environment and an examiner at the end of the period. In the report, you should link theory, methodology and practice as well as reflect on your internship and your practice-based learning.

Learning outcome


  • Know how a company/organization is organized and/or how a research project is carried out.
  • Have the ability for reflection and practice-based learning.
  • Have practical knowledge of different work techniques or research methods.
  • Have knowledge of health, environment and safety matters in the company.


  • Can integrate theory and practice in real work
  • Can compile and elaborate knowledge and skills acquired in the study
  • Can work independently in the company, and participate in the business as a team member.
  • Can identify relevant literature, analyse, formulate, describe and communicate the practical work


  • Has insight into practical issues in work situations.
  • Can document the project work in a correct professional / scientific way.
  • Learning activities

    The learning activities will take place in collaboration with the practice site and supervisor (s) at KBM, based on the practice, project description, the reflection report and the presentation of this.

    Internship: The student must comply with the current rules for the internship site and comply with the agreement entered into.

    Project description: The student must submit a project description (1-2 pages) within 3 weeks after start-up. The project description must include:

    1. A description of the external environment
    2. Description of tasks to which the internship is to be linked to and outline the expected learning outcome.
    3. Reference to literature (= parts of special syllabus, approx. 5-10 articles)

    Reflection report: A reflection report must be written at the end of the period. The report should be about 10 pages and describe theory, methodology and practice as well as reflect on the internship and the practice-based learning. The report must contain a reference to relevant literature that the student must search for, read and use in an appropriate manner (this may be in addition to the 10 pages).

    Presentation: The presentation must be based on the reflection report and must be held after the stay has been completed. The date for the presentation is agreed between the candidate and the supervisors. The presentation is held with an external / internal supervisor and an external examiner present and can be held as part of seminar series at an external or internal institution. The presentation should last for 15-20 minutes and have the following structure: 1) Presentation of the candidate (about the academic program), 2) Motivation to complete the internship, 3) About the projects and methods, 4) Describe the learning outcome

  • Teaching support

    The supervisor at an external institution will be responsible for the student receiving professional and practical training / follow-up during the stay and contribute with access to relevant information.

    An internal supervisor at KBM will contribute to the establishment of a contract, be in contact with NMBU and arrange / participate in the final assessment.

  • Prerequisites
    Relevant background within KBMs reseach topics. Minimum third year student.
  • Assessment method

    Project description, practicals, reflection report and presentation. Counts 100%.

    Pass / Fail.

    Grading: Passed / Not Passed
  • Examiner scheme
    External and internal supervisors evaluate the project description, practice and reflection report and both are present at the presentation. An external examiner approves the program for assessment in the course and participates in the assessment of the oral presentation.
  • Mandatory activity
    Standard agreement must be approved before the internship begins.
  • Notes
    The course must be minimum 10 credits (ECTS). Reduction is not possible.
  • Preferential right


    3rd year bachelor students and master students at KBM

  • Admission requirements
    Special requirements in science