JORD160 Introduction to Soil

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Susanne Eich-Greatorex

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:125 hours in total. Lectures: 24 hours. Exercises: 16 hours. Own effort, including written assignments (85 hours in total).

Teaching and exam period:This course starts at the beginning of the June block and last for three weeks. This course has teaching/evaluation in June block.

About this course

Lectures: Soil as part of an ecosystem. The components of soil. Organic material in soil. Soil ecology. Water in soil. The occurrence and reaction of plant nutrients in soil. Soil formation. Exercises: Soil texture, soil structure, soil formation.etc.. Other information: Guidance of the student over the Internet using Canvas.

Learning outcome

The students shall be able to explain important terms and processes which are basic to understand the soil as a cropping medium and as a part of the landscape

The students shall be able identify important soil characteristics and conduct simple calculations about mass and volumetric conditions in the soil.

The students shall appreciate soil as an important resource for plant production, ecology and environment, and that correct use of the soil is fundamental for good landscape management

  • Learning activities
    Lectures are used to review the main types of soil characteristics and processes in soil. The exercises (field, lab and computer) give a practical introduction/demonstration of the lecture topics. Canvas is used for hand-ins/answers to questions related to topics from lectures and exercises, i.e. as a conclusion of the days teaching.
  • Teaching support
    Continuous guidance takes place at the students' initiative, either in class, during office hours visits or via the internet.
  • Recommended prerequisites
    Basic knowledge in biology and chemistry.
  • Assessment method

    Written exam.

    One written exam: A - E / Not passed

    One written exam Grading: Letter grades Permitted aids: A1 No calculator, no other aids
  • Examiner scheme
    The examiner will be involved in the planning, conduction, revision and approval of the exam questions of the course.
  • Mandatory activity
    Assignment i Canvas of given exercises and self-tests.
  • Notes
    The course is especially aimed at study programmes for landscape architects, but can also be of interest for economists and others.
  • Teaching hours
    Lectures: 24 hours. Exercises: 16 hours.
  • Reduction of credits
    JORD160 reduced with 3 credits against JORD100 / JORD101.
  • Admission requirements
    Minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway (generell studiekompetanse)