INF240 Data security

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Yang Guang

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk

Course frequency:Annually.

Nominal workload:Lecture: 72 hours; Exercises: 30 hours; Colloquia and self-study: 148 hours.

Teaching and exam period:The course will be taught / graded in the january block.

About this course

The course covers topics involved in the computer security domain. The introduction starts with an introduction to cryptographic theory and security principles of message confidentiality and authentication. Followed by the introduction of various network security applications, including:

  • Key distribution and management,
  • User authentication,
  • Digital signature,
  • Network access control,
  • Transport-level security,
  • IP security,
  • Wireless network security.

Learning outcome

Kurset tar sikte på å gi en oversikt over utviklingen innen datasikkerhet. Etter dette kurset skal studentene forstå sentrale sikkerhetsproblemer, kunne definere truslene mot data- og nettverkssystemer og vurdere de relative risikoene. Studentene skal også utstyres med oppdaterte mottiltak, og kunne jobbe med sikkerhetsadministrasjon og systemdesign. Det legger også grunnlag for videre studier innen sikkerhetsfeltet.
  • Learning activities
    The course will consist of lectures and practical exercises.
  • Teaching support
    All learning support resources will be linked at the course webpage in Canvas. In addition to this, students can agree to contact the responsible teacher in the office during meeting times or via e-mail.
  • Prerequisites
    Basic network knowledge
  • Recommended prerequisites
    Foundations in linear algebra such as included in MATH113 or MATH131, or equivalent.
  • Assessment method

    3,5 hours written exam.

    The grading scale used is A to F. Grade A is the highest passing grade in the grading scale, grade F is a fail.

  • Examiner scheme
    An external censor will participate together with the internal censor in forming the exam and censor guide. The external censor checks the internal censor's assessment of a random selection of candidates as a calibration at certain intervals in line with the faculty's guidelines for grading.
  • Mandatory activity
    Assignment/Lab submissions. Rules for approval of compulsory activities are announced at the start of the course.
  • Teaching hours
    A typical lecture day structure including: lecturing for 3 hours, assignment/lab for 3 hours.