GMPE240 Parameter Estimation
Credits (ECTS):10
Course responsible:Ola Øvstedal
Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås
Teaching language:Norsk
Course frequency:Annually
Nominal workload:250 hours.
Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Spring parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in Spring parallel, .
About this course
Parameter Estimation Using the Least Squares Method is in geomatics commonly referred to as "least squares adjustment".
Optimal estimation and quality assurance of parameters (such as coordinates) are essential tools that students use in subsequent courses in e.g. land surveying, geodesy, photogrammetry, remote sensing, and GIS.
In addition to estimation using the least squares method, the course covers methods for detecting errors in observations and given quantities, as well as quantifying integrity through calculated reliability measures.
The last part of the course covers sequential adjustment and Kalman filter.
Learning outcome
Learning activities
Teaching support
Recommended prerequisites
Assessment method
Examiner scheme
Mandatory activity
Teaching hours
Admission requirements