GMFO205 Photogrammetry 2
Credits (ECTS):10
Course responsible:Ivar Maalen-Johansen
Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås
Teaching language:Norsk
Course frequency:Annually
Nominal workload:250 hours.
Teaching and exam period:This course starts in the Autumn parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in the Autumn parallel.
About this course
Lectures: The perspective projection. Linearisation and differential formula, formula development. Estimation of external orientation elements, Spatial re-section. Aerial triangulation, bundle block adjustment. Sources of error and quality. Mapping with drone. Relevant standards. Digital elevation models - production and use of, accuracy in DEM. Digital elevation models - interpolation and production of contour lines. Image matching. Ortophotos - production and use, accuracy of ortophotos. Digital aerial cameras - principles and modes of operation, geometrical and radiometric properties. Airborne laser scanning - introduction, instruments, principles, modes of operation, accuracy, fields of usage.
Exercises: Exterior orientation of a single image using bundle adjustment. Image matching. Project: Mapping with drone.
Learning outcome
Learning activities
Teaching support
Assessment method
Examiner scheme
Mandatory activity
Teaching hours
Admission requirements