BIO246 Thematic Essay in Plant Biotechnology/Plant Breeding

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Romulo Sacramento Sobral

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk, engelsk

Limits of class size:20

Course frequency:Annually.

Nominal workload:125 hours in total

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Spring parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in Spring parallel.

About this course

The students will choose their theme early in the semester either from a list of topics provided by the teachers or they can suggest their own. From there they search for relevant litterature, but have the option to seek advice from teachers at any time. Half way through the semester, the teachers will have a supervision in class where general issue related to writing a thematic essay is discussed. The students will have the opportunity there to ask general or specific questions. After handing in their essay, there will be time for each student"s oral 15 min presentation of their topic. Since this course is connected to either BIO244 or BIO248, the lectures and practicals in these courses lay the foundation for the in-depth study in this course, BIO246.

Learning outcome

The students are supposed to find litterature on a chosen topic, choose the most relevant, read through and write an essay in their own words compiling a synopsis of what they have read while using the references in a correct manner. This eassy is what forms the basis for the evaluation of the course by the teacher and the external examiner. At the end of the course, the students will present their work orally. This is for training purposes and to educate the other students on the theme chosen, and will not be part of the evaluation to mark the course. The presentation is an obligatory part of the course.

Learning outcomes


• The student has an overview of the topic they have chosen


• Students can find infirmation on their subject on their own in relevant databases and other sources

• Students can define the assignment

• The student can set up a table of contents that gives a correct picture of the assignment

• The student can extract the topic and put it together in their own words

• The student can conclude

• The student can present the assignment in a given time frame


• The student can use their own words

• The student is able to see several sources in context

• The student knows how to retrieve primary literature from databases or review articles and use these

• The student can stay within a page number limit

The student can present their own work to an audience

  • Learning activities
    Through independent search for in.depth knowledge in a chosen topic, read and rewrite in theor own words as well as an oral presentation. These are methods most students will have to master in their future employment. The course seeks to develop these abilities in the students.
  • Teaching support
    Canvas is used actively. The teachers can be reached through e-mails and by appointment.
  • Prerequisites
    This course is a continuation and in-depth studies within plant biotechnology and/or genomics. Previous knowledge within these subjects are necessary to follow the course. The courses given as BIO244 and/or BIO248 can be taken the same semester as this in-depth course, or previously.
  • Assessment method
    Term paper counts 100%

    Term paper Grading: Letter grades Permitted aids: A1 No calculator, no other aids
  • Examiner scheme
    The examiner is active in the evaluation of the essays
  • Mandatory activity
    Turn up for the two lectures given. Write a thematic essay and present this.
  • Notes
    This course is part of a package in plant biotechnology where BIO244 and BIO248 is compulsory for students in BSC Plant Sciences. This package consists of BIO244, BIO248 and BIO246. This is to facilitate smaller courses for the biology and biotechnology students. However, BIO246 can not be taken separately from at least one of the courses BIO244 or BIO248, or equivalent. BIO248 is taught in Norwegian, BIO244 in English on demand.
  • Teaching hours
    The course starts with a presentation of the topics and how the course is to be run, then individual supervision when needed, a mid-semester guidance for the class and towards the end the presentation by the students. The students are responsible for putting enough effort into the writing to obtain a presentable product.
  • Preferential right
  • Reduction of credits
    BIO243 (5 credits)
  • Admission requirements
    Basic knowledge in Natural Sciences