APL280 Urban Sociology
Credits (ECTS):5
Course responsible:Roberta Cucca
Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås
Teaching language:Engelsk
Limits of class size:3rd year BYREG students are prioritized (max 45 students in total)
Course frequency:Each year.
Nominal workload:125 hours
Teaching and exam period:Autumn parallel
About this course
This course introduces students to basic principles of urban sociology and fundamental understanding of the sociological approach to the study of cities and communities. By applying urban theories, quantitative and qualitative research methods, the course provides students critical and practical instruments to consider the social implications of current spatial transformations in cities. The teaching focuses on some specific topics. 1. The effects of the Post-industrial transition on the economic and social structure of the city. 2. Socio-spatial justice in contemporary cities: processes of gentrification, patterns of residential segregation, social mix policies. 3. Urban sustainability and its social dimension. 4. Planning for diversity and inclusion.
Learning outcome
At the end of the course students have acquired an array of tools and skills they need to conduct field research and to cultivate new ways of interpreting urban settings: 1) to demonstrate a good knowledge of the most relevant theories and topics of urban sociology; 2) to apply theoretical perspectives from urban studies to specific, practical problems and issues connected to urban planning; 3) to select and use appropriate social research methods (both quantitative and qualitative) in scientific investigation; 4) to present results through academic writing; 5) to present the research results through oral communications in class and written reports.
Learning activities
Assessment method
Examiner scheme
Mandatory activity
Teaching hours
Preferential right