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Have you been abroad?

By Camilla Wiik Gjerdrum

Bildet viser

You are now enterin The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine's production animal units.

  • If you have been in another country, shower and wash you hair before entering the production animal clinic, the ambulatory clinic and herds in the field.
  • Use the clinic’s/herd’s clothes and shoes.
  • I you have been in an animal environment abroad – wait 48 hours before entering. Count from when you arrive Norway.
  • If you have been in contact with domestic or wild animals in a country with serious contagious animal disease, including Sweden, you have to wait 72 hours.
  • Remember the ban on bringing products of animal origin to Norway. Do not give food/food leftovers to animals, regardless of origin.
  • Be aware of MRSA guidelines

Contact staff/teacher or Head of Institute

MRSA Guidelines for the prevention of MRSA/LA-MRSA infection

Summary of guidelines for all staff, students and visitors to Norwegian herds/holdings.

Requirements for testing of staff and students

NMBU's staff and students who will come into contact with Norwegian livestock during the course of their work and studies must be tested for MRSA/LA-MRSA if they:

  • have previously tested positive for MRSA, but have not since had three negative tests.

or who, during the past 12 months:

  • have been in contact with foreign livestock, or
  • have tested positive for MRSA (even if subsequent tests have been negative), or
  • have lived in the same household as MRSA-positive humans or animals, or
  • have had close contact with MRSA-positive humans or animals without using protective equipment.

or have spent the past 12 months in countries outside the Nordic region and have there:

  • been admitted to a health institution, or
  • had a comprehensive examination or treatment by a health service or
  • worked as a health care worker, or
  • resided in an orphanage or refugee camp.

Performing the MRSA test and treatment in the event of a positive result:

Staff contact the occupational health service provider for testing (or possibly own GP). Students are tested at their GP/University Foundation for Student Life's health service.

People with positive MRSA/LA-MRSA status must undergo treatment. GP is contacted.

Access for staff and students to NMBU's livestock and other Norwegian livestock:

  • Livestock owners must be informed at all times about the MRSA status of each member of staff/student before they can come into contact with the herd. The livestock owner will decide whether the member of staff/student will be permitted to come into contact with the herd.
  • People with unclear LA-MRSA/MRSA status: According to the professional recommendations from the VI/FHI/Norwegian Food Safety Authority, people with unclear LA-MRSA/MRSA-status can be permitted access to livestock if they follow the VI/FHI/Norwegian Food Safety Authority's recommended infection prevention measures (surgical mask, disposable gloves and headgear). (Infection control measures for producers, Infection control measures for veterinarians) in addition to the VI/FHI/Norwegian Food Safety Authority's advice regarding daily infection protection.
  • People who are treated for LA-MRSA/MRSA:  The professional recommendations from the VI/FHI/Norwegian Food Safety Authority require that people who are being treated for   LA-MRSA/MRSA must use the above-mentioned infection prevention measures until all tests are negative. (Infection control measures for producers, Infection control measures for veterinarians)
  • People with positive LA-MRSA/MRSA status must not come into contact with livestock.

Infection prevention measures when coming into contact with livestock abroad:

  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Use disposable gloves, headgear and dust mask with valve (protects against infection FROM animals).
  • Wash and disinfect hands immediately after protective equipment has been removed.
  • If possible, take a shower immediately after being in contact with the herd.
  • Plan prior to departure abroad. Order an appointment for testing with the in-house health service provider/GP for the fastest possible testing after arriving home.

Published - Updated
