Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation works to strengthen NMBU's research, PhD education and innovation, and to increase cooperation with private and public sector.

The department provides service, guidance and support to the faculties, individual researchers, the university management and external partners.

  • What we do

    Offers and services for researchers and other employees: 

    • Information and guidance to employees about external funding for research and innovation, support in the work with project proposals
    • Coordination of the univerity's PhD education
    • Information and guidance for employees and students within innovation and commercialization and cooperation with the private and public sector
    • Legal advice on contracts, agreements and intellectual property rights (IPR)
    • Information and guidance for staff and students about research ethics, research data and privacy in research
    • Follow up the university's initiative on Outstanding research, education and innovation for sustainability (FFUI Bærekraft)
    • Coordinating the university's bilateral agreements and participation in programmes, networks and organizations both nationally and internationally
    • Coordinating NMBU's work on research infrastructure
    • Develop and coordinate courses and skill-building activities within the department's areas of responsibility​

    Support functions for the university management:

    • Administrative and strategic advice for the university management, the university board and the research committee
    • ​​​​Contribution in the work with business management; analysis, strategies, reports, internal management dialogues etc.
    • Secretariat for the research committee and the research ethics committee

  • Our employees
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