Rectorate Vincent

Team Vincent
Vincent Eijsink, Ingunn Burud and Thea Blystad Klem. Photo: Tommy Normann

Get to know Rectorate Vincent

  • Rector Candidate Vincent Eijsink
    Rektorkandidat Vincent Eijsink
    Vincent Eijsink. Photo: Tommy Normann

    MSc from Wageningen, the Netherlands, 1986; PhD from Groningen, the Netherlands, 1991; joined NMBU at the beginning of 1993; professor of biochemistry at NMBU since 1997. Has held numerous board positions and served as head of department for a year; member of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and currently elected member of the University Board. Leads a research group of around 35 people, ranging from master's students to fellow professors. Has been an active committee member and committee chair in the Novo Nordisk Foundation for ten years and has led several projects, including ones funded by the ERC.

    I aspire to be a strong and decisive, yet also attentive, informal, and approachable rector, bringing out the best in NMBU and ensuring that the University community feels well. I will lead based on a combination of financial control, trust, and clear expectations. We will focus on what truly matters, and we will become Norway’s best university.

  • Prorector Candidate for Research and Innovation Thea Blystad Klem

    Graduated as a veterinarian from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science in 2005. Started her career in clinical practice before taking a position as a clinical veterinarian at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science in 2007. PhD from NMBU, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, in 2014. Worked at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute from 2018 to 2022 and has been head of the Department of Paraclinical Sciences at NMBU, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, since 2022.

    I have taught veterinary students both clinically and theoretically from 2007 to 2018 and have supervised PhD candidates, research-track students, and specialization students. I have extensive experience as a project leader, in veterinary preparedness, and in regulatory work. Furthermore, I have been chair of the PhD Program Council and the Infection Control Committee at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, as well as the Collaboration Committee between the Norwegian Veterinary Institute and NMBU. I have held multiple board positions, including as a representative for temporary employees on the NMBU Board (2016–2018) and at the Department of Production Animals at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (2014–2016). Based on my experience in restructuring processes, I believe that participation, good dialogue, communication, and close collaboration with employees and union representatives are key to achieving strong results. I am passionate about people and proud to work at NMBU. I want NMBU’s research to be leading in the field and to provide significant value to both society and industry. Therefore, I will work for strong framework conditions, stable funding, and access to the necessary infrastructure to support innovative research.

  • Prorector Candidate for Education Ingunn Burud

    MSc in Astrophysics from UiO, 1997; PhD from the University of Liège, Belgium, 2001; postdoc at the Space Telescope Science Institute, USA; researcher at the Meteorological Institute, Oslo; joined NMBU in 2010. Head of teaching at Realtek from 2014 to 2016. Professor of Physics at Realtek since 2018. Head of the Department of Physics at Realtek from 2024.

    I have had several projects and have extensive experience in supervising Master and PhD students. Realtek has seen a significant increase in student numbers in recent years, giving me substantial interaction with students and experience in teaching both large and small courses. I am committed to ensuring that Faculties maintain close contact with students and provide high-quality, research-based teaching. I am passionate about making NMBU the most attractive university in Norway for students seeking a green and socially relevant education.