Rector Election 2025

On this page, you will find the most important information about the election for the new rectorate. All the rectorates running for election are presented with photos of the rector candidate and a group photo of the rectorate, a brief introduction of the candidates in the rectorate, their election platforms, answers to questions posed by the nominations committee, and answers to selected questions from staff to the candidates. Additionally, links to useful online resources are provided.

Rectorate elections, 2nd round

None of the candidates achieved the required 50% of the votes in the first round of voting. 

In the second round of voting, it is between the two rectorate candidates, Rectorate Vincent and Team Solve.

The second round of voting will start with a campaign meeting on April 1st at 9-10 am in the Festsalen in the Urbygningen. The meeting will be streamed and translated into English.


Election meeting
April 1st at 9:00 - 10:00 am in the Festsalen (U 215) in the Urbygningen

Election period
April 2nd to April 8th at 12:00 pm

Results published
April 11th

Election meetings

The meetings the meetings on March 10 and 13 will be simultaneously translated into English.


Inquiries can be sent by email to