Quality Enhancement and Assurance of Study Programmes on Bachelor’s and Master’s Level

Please note that this page is under developement. At the bottom of the page, there are links to templates and guidelines for degree granting programmes of study on bachelor's and master's level.

When these pages are finished, you will also find information regarding requirements, routines and processes for these programmes of study as well as non-degree granting programmes of study of minimum 60 credits (including one-year programmes), an overview of the connection between these processes and other processes that are central to quality assurance. Please see our Norwegian pages for more information.

If you miss any information, please contact bodil.norderval[at]nmbu.no or ellen.granvin[at]nmbu.no

Requirements, routines and processes

(The pages below are to be translated to English. Please see our Norwegian pages for more information.)

Connection between the routines and other central milestones

The table below (to be translated) gives an overview of the connection between the routines for quality assurance of programmes of study and other central milestones in the processes associated with quality enhancement and assurance on bachelor's and master's level.

Central milestones in the processes for quality enhancement and assurance of education 2024

2. Feb.Items to the University BoardRector and University Board - Item on the Quality of Education Report 22/23 and item on LMU's Annual Report 22/23.
27 Feb.NMBU-SU's programme seminarProrector, faculties and NMBU-SU - Presentation of drafts for new programmes of study and recommendations from NMBU-SU regarding further developement of these, as well as work on and experience sharing on subjects within quality developement and assurance of education.
Feb.Go-ahead for developement of new programmes of studyProrector - Information regarding the possibility to start developing new programmes of study.
Ca. 1 Apr.Deadline for revision of courses in EPNFaculties - Deadline for updating course descriptions. (EPN will open ca. primo Jan.)
Ca. medio Apr. - primo MayQuality dialogue meetings on education Prorector and the faculties - Study programme portfolio and quality development.
Primo MayProrector's order to the faculties and relevant departments Prorector - Order regarding annual reporting/input on the quality of education
More about the order to the faculties:
1. Programme reports 23/24 (incl. admission and start of studies autumn 24)
2. The faculties' quality report 23/24 (incl.
admission and start of studies autumn 24), with amongst others:
- analysis of quality development
- reporting on the follow-up on action plans within the education area
- proposals for programmes for periodic evaluation
- recommendation for the programme portfolio (the portfolio) for 25/26, incl. long-term plans for the portfolio, applications for establishment and termination of programmes of study for 25/26
30 MayItem to NMBU-SUFaculty and prorector - Presentation of status for development of new programmes of study.
Primo - medio Sept.The departments' reporting/inputRelevant departments - Deadline for annual reporting/input on quality of education.
1 and 10 Oct.The faculties' reportingFaculties - Deadlines for:
- 1 Oct.: Reporting (please see the order above), incl. recommendation for the portfolio for 25/26, completion of applications for establishment and termination of new programmes of study for 25/26
- 10 Oct.: Additional information on admission autumn 24, if relevant
1. Oct.Admission capacityFaculties - Registration of wished admission capacity (students) for 25/26
Ca. primo - medio Oct. (not decided as of today)Order of revision of study programmesSA and KOM - Order to the faculties regarding revision of programme information.
17. Oct.Items to NMBU-SUProrector and NMBU-SU - Portfolio 25/26 (incl. establishment/termination of programmes of study), programmes of study for periodic evaluation and admission capacity 25/26.
Oct. - Jan. Initial meeting, new programmeDirector of Academic Affairs - Meeting regarding a draft for a new programme of study.
Ca primo - medio Oct. (not decided as of today)Revision of programmes of studyFaculties - Deadline for the revision of study programme information.
Ca. primo - medio Nov.Information of periodic evaluationProrector and Director of Academic Affairs - Information regarding the decision on programmes for periodic evaluation.
13 Nov. Items for the University BoardRector and University Board - Item and approval of the portfolio of programmes of study 25/26 (incl. establishment/termination of programmes), item and approval of admission capacity 25/26.
3 Dec.LMU's Annual ReportLMU's leader and LMU - Item and approval of LMU's Annual Report 23/24.
4 Dec.Items for NMBU-SUProrector and NMBU-SU - Item on the Quality of Education Report 23/24 and item on LMU's Annual Report 23/24.
Ultimo Dec.Registration of new programmes of studyFaculties - Deadline for reporting plans for new programmes of study to the Director of Academic Affairs.
Ultimo Jan./primo Feb. 25Items for the University BoardRector and University Board - Item on the Quality of Education Report 23/24 and item on LMU's Annual Report 23/24.
Overview of some central milestones in the processes for quality enhancement and assurance at NMBU in 2024 (18 Jan. 2024)


  • LMU: Learning Environment Committee
  • KOM: Department of Communications and Marketing
  • NMBU-SU: NMBU's Academic Affairs Committee
  • SA: Department of Academic Affairs

Links to templates and guidelines

For degree granting programmes of study

For one-year programmes and other non-degree granting programmes of study of 60 credits or more

(The documents below are to be translated to English. Please see our Norwegian pages for the Norwegian version of the documents.)

Template: Description of programme of study

Guidelines: Requirements for programme of study

Guidelines: Self-evaluation report for periodic evaluation