The Norwegian School of Veterinary Science gradually rose from 1920 to 1995.

1920 – The construction of the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science at Adamstuen began in 1920 with the building of the Dog Clinic (building 12) and the Medical Clinic (building 4).
1923 –In 1923, the construction of the Surgical Clinic, which became the Horse Clinic (building 3), began. Buildings 12 and 4 were completed. The Dog Clinic (building 12) was used by the School for the Deaf, which occupied it until 1933.
1924 – The main building was started. All the initial buildings at the Veterinary College were designed by architect Bredo Greve.
1927 – The Surgical Clinic (building 3) was completed.
1929 – The Medical Clinic started operations. It was called the State Veterinary Clinic in Oslo and was to work on animal diseases that had economic significance for Norway. The Autopsy Building (building 9) was started.
1930 – The Autopsy Building was completed. Economic downturns in Norway made financing further construction difficult. Construction halted between 1931 and 1933. The new veterinary director, Niels Thorshaug, worked to complete the construction.
1935 – Finally, the Main Building was completed. Architect Greve died in 1931, but the work was finished by architect H.J. Sparre.
1948 – The extension to the Dog Clinic was completed.
1956 – Institute of Biochemistry and Institute of Reproduction (building 13) were completed.
1963 – Buildings 15 and 16 were constructed in a new architectural style that was continued when the rest of the buildings were erected. The architects Anmarkrud and Ramm-Østgaard were responsible for this.
1969 – The construction of the Welfare Building started and was completed in 1970. The architect was Rolf Ramm-Østgaard. He also designed the rest of the red brick buildings (buildings 10, 11, 14, and 17).
1995 – Building 22, with the common auditorium and library, was completed. Architect: ØKAW.
Kilder: Norges veterinærhøiskole utgitt av
Landbruksdepartementets veterinærkontor, Kompleks 1841 Norges veterinærhøgskole,
høringsdokument til forslag til
landverneplan for KD, 2010.

The article is part of the magazine Adamstuen, which was published in the summer of 2021.