My primary focus is in bat ecology but my research also incorporates species monitoring for other taxonomic groups including bioacoustics for birds, insect sampling, as well as general forest ecology. I'm passionate about cultivating best practices for bat monitoring and developing strategies for broadscale monitoring programs. Communicating science/science education related to various ecology topics is also an important part of my work.
I began studying bats as a seasonal field technician conducting surveys for endangered bat species in the Eastern U.S. in 2013 and went on to become a U.S. Fish and Wildlife federally permitted bat biologist in 2017. I have a Bachelors of Science in Environmental Science from Indiana University (2017) and a Masters in Ecology from NMBU (2020). Both theses for these degrees were on topics of bat behavior and ecology. I'm an active member of the Norwegian Zoological Society and previously an avid caver of the National Speleological Society in the U.S. (2013-2017); my role in both organizations largely focused on grassroots efforts to protect bats and bat habitat, while also educating the general public of their value. Through these experiences, I've had the privilege of exploring the ecology of bats with a wide range of methods including bioacoustics, mist netting, harp trapping, hibernacula surveys, VHF radio-telemetry, and DNA metabarcoding. Throughout my masters and PhD I have developed skills for studying habitat features using remote sensing data such as LiDAR, forest inventory surveys and using hemisphere photos to describe forest canopy characteristics.
I am also a member of BatLab Norway. You can follow me on ResearchGate and GitHub.
Profile photo: Maris Pärn
She / Her