Rani Lill Anjum

Rani Lill Anjum


  • School of Economics and Business

I am Research Professor of Philosophy working with applied philosophy of science. I am particularly interested in the relationship between science and philosophy, and what we call philosophical bias in science. My main research focus has been on different understandings of causality, complexity, and probability, and how these are expressed in various methodological choices. Such philosophical biases often come with education and constitute a potential barrier for genuinely interdisciplinary collaboration and communication. In the courses MINA320 and MINA321, Interdisciplinary and Expert Disagreement on Sustainability, we highlight these issues and provide students with tools to identify and explain their own and others’ philosophical biases, as a means to understand expert disagreement on sustainable solutions across disciplines and perspectives.

Elena Rocca and I also wrote a book from and for the course, Philosophy of Science, for Palgrave's Philosophy Today series.

I also teach examen philosophicum in English (PHI102) and research ethics with philosophy of science at the PhD level (MINA400). Additionally, I am responsible for the NMBU Research Ethics Forum. Since 2014, I have been a member of the Research Ethics Committee at NMBU, and since 2017, I have been part of the national research ethics committees (Granskningsutvalget and NESH).

Since 2022, I have been working 50:50 at the School of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA).


  • Areas of Work
    • Philosophy
    • Philosophy of Science
    • Etikkutvalget
    • Research Ethics
  • Publications

    List of publications from my research. (Cristin)

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)


    Anjum, R. L. and Rocca, E. (2024) Philosophy of Science, Palgrave Macmillan Philosophy Today series

    Anjum, R. L., Copeland, S. and Rocca, E. (Eds) (2020) Rethinking Causality, Complexity and Evidence for the Unique PatientA CauseHealth Resource for the Clinical Encounter, Springer

    Anjum, R. L. and Mumford, S. (2018) Causation in Science and the Methods of Scientific Discovery, Oxford: Oxford University Press

    Anjum, R. L. and Mumford, S. (2018) What Tends to Be. The Philosophy of Dispositional Modality, London: Routledge

    Mumford, S. and Anjum, R. L. (2013) Causation. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press

    Mumford, S. and Anjum, R. L. (2011) Getting Causes from Powers, Oxford: Oxford University Press

    Jørgensen, S. R. and Anjum, R. L. (eds) (2006) Tegn som Språk. En Antologi om Tegnspråk, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk


    Selected articles

    Anjum, R.L., Chandler, R.E. & Rocca, E. (2022) Dispositions and Causality Assessment in Pharmacovigilance: Proposing the Dx3 Approach for Assessing Causality with Small Data Sets. Pharm Med

    Rocca, E. and Anjum, R.L. (2020) Causal Evidence and Dispositions in Medicine and Public Health, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

    Rocca, E. Anjum, R.L. and Mumford, S. (2020) Causal Insights from Failure, in A. La Caze and B. Osimani (eds), Uncertainty in Pharmacology: Epistemology, Methods and Decisions, Springer

    Rocca, E. and Anjum, R. L. (2019) Why Causal Predictions Fail. An Example from Oil Contamination, Ethics, Policy & Environment

    Andersen, R., Anjum, R.L. and Rocca, E. (2019) Philosophical bias is the one bias that science cannot avoid, eLife

    Anjum, R. L. and Rocca, E. (2018) From Ideal to Real Risk. Why re-thinking Causation is Crucial, Risk Analysis

    Anjum, R.L. and Mumford, S. (2018) Causation, Powers and Probability, in A. S. Meincke (ed.), Dispositionalism: Perspectives from Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science, Synthese Library, Springer

    Anjum, R. L. (2018) What is the Guidelines Challenge? The CauseHealth Perspective, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice

    Anjum, R.L. and Mumford, S. (2018) A Process Theory of Causation, in Nicholson, D. J. & Dupré, J. (eds.). Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 61-75.

    Anjum, R.L. and Mumford, S. (2017) A Philosophical Argument Against Evidence Based Policy, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 23: 1045-50

    Anjum, R.L. and Mumford, S. (2017) Emergence and Demergence, in M. Paoletti and F. Orilia (eds), Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives on Downward Causation, London: Routledge, pp. 92-109.

    Anjum, R.L. (2016) Evidence-Based or Person-Centered. An Ontological Debate, European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 4 (2): 421-9

    Anjum, R.L., Kerry, R. and Mumford, S. (2015) Evidence Based on What?, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 21(6): E11-E12

    Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2015) Freedom and Control: On the Modality of Free Will, American Philosophical Quarterly, 52: 1-12

    Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2014) Powers, Non-Consent and Freedom, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 91: 136-152

    Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2014) A New Argument Against Compatibilism, Analysis, 74: 20-5

    Kerry, R., Eriksen, T.E., Lie, S.A.N., Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2012) Causation and Evidence-Based Practice: An Ontological Review, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice: Special Issue on the Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care 18: 1006-12

    Anjum, R.L., Lie, S.A. and Mumford, S. (2012) Dispositions and Ethics, in R. Groff and J. Greco (eds) Powers and Capacities in Philosophy: The New Aristotelianism, New York and London: Routledge: 9-24

    Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2011) Fundamentals of Causality, Information, Knowledge, Systems Management, 10: 101-10

    Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2011) Effects of Context, Information, Knowledge, Systems Management, 10: 75-84

    Anjum, R.L. (2007) The logic of ‘If’ – Or How to Philosophically Eliminate Conditional Relations, Sorites – Digital Journal of Analytical Philosophy, 19: 51-7

    Anjum, R.L. (2006) En språklig verden: Noen tanker om språket som erkjennelsesmiddel, in S. R. Jørgensen and R. L. Anjum (eds), Tegn som Språk. En antologi om tegnspråk, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk: 199-212


    My publications:

  • Teaching

    PHI102 Examen philosophicum - English version of Introduction to Philosophy

    MINA320 Tverrfaglig samarbeid og kontroverser om bærekraft - Norwegian version of MINA320

    MINA321 Interdisciplinarity and expert disagreement on sustainability

    MINA400 Research education across disciplines

  • Research and projects

    Research projects with a website outside NMBU

  • Misc and CV