Knut Boge

Knut Boge

Associate Professor

  • Department of Property and Law

How can real property, land use, infrastructures, property development, and urban development lay the foundations for value creation and business development that in turn can contribute to people's good lives? How do institutional arrangement such as laws, planning and decision-making processes, which among others provide the framework for collective action, affect the distribution of benefits and burdens? These are some of the questions that intrigue me as a researcher.

  • Areas of Work
    • Real property
    • Real estate development
    • Institutional Theory and Economy
    • Public Administration
    • Collective action
  • Publications

    List of publications from my research. (Cristin)

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    Selected publications:

    Journal publications:

    Holsen, Terje and Boge, Knut (2023): "Urban FM and POPS – implications for UN’s SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities", IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1176 012040. DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/1176/1/012040

    Phan, Tin and Boge, Knut (2023): "The Norwegian proptech market – an incubator for game changers", IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1176 012002. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1176/1/012002

    Boge, Knut (2022): "Putin-regimets angrepskrig påvirker også eiendomfaget og planfaget" [The Putin regime's war of aggression against Ukraine even influences real property and land-use planning], guest editorial, Kart og Plan, Vol. 115, No. 1, pp. 3-12.

    Trygstad, Veronica og Boge, Knut (2021): "Da Statens Kartverk møtte jordskifterettene" [When the Norwegian Mapping Authority met the Land Consolidation Courts], Kart og Plan, Vol. 114, No. 3/4, pp. 225-253.

    Boge, Knut, Haddadi, Amin, Klakegg, Ole Jonny and Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov (2021): " Facilitating Building Projects’ Short-Term and Long-Term Value Creation”, Buildings, Vol. 11 No. 8, article no. 332 (26 pages).

    Boge, Knut (2020): “Guest editorial – Housing for people with special needs”, Facilities, Vol. 38 No. 9/10, pp. 597-598. DOI 10.1108/F-07-2020-156 (Guest editor, special issue Housing for People with Special Needs)

    Boge, Knut, Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov, Bakken, Ida, Granli, Magnus and Mandrup, Silje (2019): “Knowledge workers deserve differentiated offices and workplace facilities”, Facilities. Vol. 37 No. 1/2, pp. 38-60.

    Boge, Knut, Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov, Bjørberg, Svein and Larssen, Anne Kathrine (2018): “Failing to plan – planning to fail. How early phase planning can improve buildings’ lifetime value creation”, Facilities, Vol. 36 No. 1/2, pp. 49-75. doi:

    Boge, Knut and Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov (2017): "Practice vs. theory: Short-term financials trumps long-term value creation", Journal of Corporate Real Estate, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 186-204.

    Boge, Knut and Aliaj, Anjola (2017): "Albania vs. Norway - FM at two university hospitals", Facilities, Vol. 35 No. 7/8, pp. 462-484.

    Temeljotov, Alenka Salaj, Bjørberg, Svein, Boge, Knut and Larssen, Anne Kathrine (2015): "Increasing attractiveness by LCC facility management orientation", IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 48 No. 3, pp. 149-154.

    Boge, Knut (2013): “Learning to think “outside the box””, Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, Vol. 2 No. 3, pp. 26-36.

    Boge, Knut (2012): "How to facilitate the learning of creativity: thinking “outside the box” and beyond textbook solutions", Development and Learning in Organizations, Vol. 26 No. 6, pp.14-16,

    Boge, Knut (2009): “Why not the best? Why have Norwegian authorities apparently overlooked or ignored commonly accepted technology?”, Polhem Teknikhistorisk årsbok, No. 3, 2006-2007, pp. 111-134.

    Boge, Knut (2008): “Divergent paths - Comparing Scandinavian road policies from the eighteenth century to the present”, The Journal of Transport History, Vol. 29 No. 2, pp. 213-236.

    Boge, Knut (2002): “Et dysfunksjonelt vs. to funksjonelle vegsystemer? Den historiske utviklingen av det moderne vegsystemet i Norge, sett i forhold til utviklingen i Sverige og Danmark”, Volund, 2002, pp. 79-113.



    Tveiten, Sidsel and Boge, Knut (eds.) (2014): Empowerment i helse, ledelse og pedagogikk – Nye perspektiver, Oslo, Gyldendal Akademisk.

    Boge, Knut (2006): Votes Count but the Number of Seats Decides: A comparative historical case study of 20th century Danish, Swedish and Norwegian road policy. Series of Dissertations 4/2006. Oslo: BI Norwegian School of Business.

    Knutsen, Sverre and Boge, Knut (2005): Norsk vegpolitikk etter 1960 - Stykkevis og delt? Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag.


    Parts of books/reports:

    Boge, Knut (2024): "Fremveksten av det norske system for planlegging og bygging av riksveier" [The emergence of the Norwegian system for planning and construction of highways], pp. 74-110 in Røsnes, August E. (ed.) Romlig planlegging [Spatial Planning]. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget [Scandinavian University Press].

    Boge, Knut (2024): "Når staten i ulike forkledning planlegger og bygger riksveier" [When the government in various disguises plans and builds highways], pp. 172-312 in Røsnes, August E. (ed.) Romlig planlegging [Spatial Planning]. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget [Scandinavian University Press].

    Øyan, Petter and Boge, Knut (2019): “A New Generation of Higher Education Learning Arenas”, pp. 161-177 in Scullica, Francesco and Elgani, Elena (eds.) Living, Working and Travelling. New Processes of Hybridization for the Spaces of Hospitality and Work, Milan: Edizioni FrancoAngeli.

    Støre-Valen, Marit, Meistad, Torill, Boge, Knut, Foss, Margrethe, Houck, Leif Daniel and Lohne, Jardar (2018): "The concept of value of buildings in use", pp. 213-230 in Sanchez, Adriana X., Hampson, Keith and London, Geoffrey (eds.), Integrating Information in Built Environments - From Concept to Practice, Routledge (CIB Series).

    Boge, Knut, Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov, Bakken, Ida, Granli, Magnus and Mandrup, Silje (2017): "Factors facilitating effective workplace designs for knowledge workers", pp. 123-134 in Nielsen, Susanne Balslev, Jensen, Per Anker and Brinkø, Rikke (eds.), Research papers for EuroFM´s 16th Research Symposium, EFMC2017, 25-28 April 2017 in Madrid, Spain, Lyngby: Polyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag.

    Bjørberg, Svein, Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka, Larssen, Anne Kathrine and Boge, Knut (2016): "How FM may contribute to happiness - The Oscar approach", pp. 158-166 in Jensen, Per Anker (ed.) Proceedings of CFM’s second nordic conference: Facilities Management Research and Practice. Does FM contribute to happiness in the Nordic Countries, Lyngby: Polyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag.

    Boge, Knut and Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov (2016): "How Real Estate and Facilities Management can contribute to value creation in different organizations”, pp. 51-62 in Nielsen, Susanne Balslev and Jensen, Per Anker (eds.), Research papers for EuroFM´s 15th Research Symposium, Lyngby: Polyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag.

    Støre-Valen, Marit, Boge, Knut and Foss, Margrethe (2016): "Contradictions of interests in early phase of real estate projects – What adds value for owners and users?", pp. 285-296 in Kähkönen, K., and Keinänen, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the CIB World Building Congress 2016: Volume I - Creating built environments of new opportunities. (Tampere University of Technology. Department of Civil Engineering. Construction Management and Economics. Report; Vol. 18). Tampere: Tampere University of Technology.

    Tveiten, Sidsel and Boge, Knut (2014): "Hvorfor er ulike perspektiver på empowerment interessante som forskningsfelt, anvendelsesområder og praksiser?", pp. 13-25 in Tveiten, Sidsel and Boge, Knut (eds.), Empowerment i helse, ledelse og pedagogikk – Nye perspektiver, Oslo, Gyldendal Akademisk.

    Boge, Knut and Hjelmås, Svein Fredrik (2014): "Utdanning, empowerment og klassereise", pp. 121-136 in Tveiten, Sidsel and Boge, Knut (eds.), Empowerment i helse, ledelse og pedagogikk – Nye perspektiver, Oslo, Gyldendal Akademisk.

    Boge, Knut and Fretheim, Ellen Petrine (2014): "Fagopplæring, status og respekt", pp. 137-155 in Tveiten, Sidsel and Boge, Knut (eds.), Empowerment i helse, ledelse og pedagogikk – Nye perspektiver, Oslo, Gyldendal Akademisk.

    Boge, Knut (2012): "Rational reluctance? A conceptual discussion about transition from FM 1.0 (cost reductions) to FM 2.0 (value creation)", pp. 31-38 in Junghans, Antje and Jensen, Per Anker (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th EuroFM Research Symposium, Lyngby, Polyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag.

    Boge, Knut (2012): "Stamvegpolitikk i Norge, Sverige og Danmark etter andre verdenskrig", pp. 135-171 in Stormbringer, Geir Atle og Hole, Berit (eds.), Årbok for Norsk vegmuseum 2012, Oslo/Lillehammer: Statens vegvesen/Norsk vegmuseum.

    Boge, Knut (2010): "Bompenger, hestehandler og politisk opportunisme: løsningen av Oslos trafikkproblemer 1960-1990", pp. 63-86 in Paulsrud, Geir og Hole, Berit (eds.), Årbok for Norsk Vegmuseum 2010. Oslo/Lillehammer: Statens Vegvesen/Norsk Vegmuseum.

    Boge, Knut (2009): Yes, We Can – How students with formal and non-formal competence manage Accounting and Managerial Economics, pp. 101-148 in Holmesland, Içara da Silva and Judy Lundin (eds.): Formal and Informal Learning: Shall the Twain Ever Meet in Adult Education? Høgskolen i Akershus’ forskningsserie 16/2009. Kjeller: Høgskolen i Akershus.

    Boge, Knut (2004): "Et smalsporet vegnett. Et resultat av distriktspolitikk, teknologisprang og institusjonell arv", pp. 207-225 in Paulsrud, Geir og Hage, Hallstein (eds.), Årbok for Norsk Vegmuseum 2004. Oslo/Lillehammer: Statens vegvesen/Norsk vegmuseum.



    Boge, Knut (ed.), Børve, Brita, Edvardsen, Tor-Einar, Engelsåstrø, Gunnar, Garnes, Åge, Larsen, Anne Karin, Skjønneberg, Gitte, Stan, Maria, Øyan, Petter, and others (2012): Innovasjon, nyskaping. Prosjekt læring i arbeidsliv og utdanning (LAU). Rapport fra delprosjekt Innovasjon og nyskaping [Innovation, creation. Project learning in working life and education. Report from the sub-project Innovation and Creation]. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus.

    Børve, Brita (ed.), Aslesen, Heidi Wiig, Boge, Knut, Brøgger, Benedicte, Garnes, Åge, Lervik, Anne K. Eggen, Rønnevig, Elisabeth, Tolsby, June, Sethov, Ellen, and Voll, Liv Oddrun (2012): Rapport fra prosjektet Nettverksbygging, kompetanse- og studietilbudsutvikling innenfor innovasjon og entreprenørskap i Oslo-, Akershus- og Hedmarksregionen: NU E15 [Report from the project Networking, Competence Building and Development of Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Oslo, Akershus and Hedmark]. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus.

    Boge, Knut (2007): Bygger vi veien til Soria Moria eller sparer vi oss til fant? Prosjektfinansiering av samferdselsinfrastrukturer i Norge, Sverige, Danmark og Finland [Are we building the road to Shangri-la, or are we penny-wise and pound-foolish? Project financing of transport and communication infrastructures in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland], Småskrift no. 4/2007 [Working paper], Kjeller, Høgskolen i Akershus.






  • Teaching

    EIE100/101 Introduction to Real Estate (10 ECTS)

    EIE280 Land Rights (5 ECTS)

    EIE306 Negotiations and Conflict Management (Course responsible) (5 ECTS)

    EIE310 Property Market and Analysis (Course responsible) (10 ECTS)

    MAST303 Planning the Master Thesis - Property and Law (5 ECTS)

    M30-EIE/EUTV Master thesis (Supervision) (30 ECTS)

    SDP424/425 Real Property Theory (Course responsible) (5/7.5 ECTS)


    PhD supervision:

    Tin Phan (2021-) Real estate and digitalization - Proptech and early phase property development (Main supervisor) (Co-supervisor Associate Professor Erling Dokk Holm).

    Therese Staal Brekke (2022-) Zoning plans (Co-supervisor) (LANDTIME WP3) (Main supervisor Associate Professor Terje Holsen).

    Helene Brustad Eskeland (2023-) Public procurement as a tool for development of a circular economy? Lessons from Norwegian municipalities (Main supervisor) (Co-supervisor Professor Bjarte Folkestad, Volda University College).

    Svend Martin Østberg Oppegaard (2023-) Appraisal of real estate - Compensation to landowners in cases of expropriation (Co-supervisor) (Main supervisor Associate Professor Sølve Bærug).

  • Research and projects