Kari Elise Moxnes

Kari Elise Moxnes

Senior Advisor

  • Department of Research

Areas of work:

  • The NMBU International travel grant scheme, available to permanent academic staff on sabbatical leave, research fellows, postdoctoral fellows and residents
  • Issuance of PhD Diplomas/ Certificates
  • The NMBU Research Award and Alf Bjørseth's Inspiration Award
  • Research cooperation between NMBU and external national parties

Since 2015 I have worked as a Senior advisor at the Department of Research, Innovation and External Cooperation. Until 2020 I mainly worked on overall NMBU matters related to the PhD education and doctoral degrees at NMBU (the PhD degree and the Dr.Philos. degree).

Former work experience and positions:

2012-2014: Study advisor at UNIS - the University Center in Svalbard

2007-2012: Senior advisor at the Department of Studies, NMBU

1999-2007: Project manager at Norsk Landbruksrådgiving, secretariat in Ås

1993-1999: Project manager at the Research Park in Ås

1987-1992: Assistant editor in "Norsk Hagetidend".


Cand. agric. in horticultural science (NMBU 1982-1987)

Gardener (Statens gartnerskole Staup 1981-1982).

  • Areas of Work
    • NMBU utenlandsstipend for vitenskapelig ansatte og ph.d.-kandidater + postdoktorer
    • NMBUs Forskningspris og Alf Bjørseths Inspirasjonspris
    • FS Doktorgradsmodulen
    • Samarbeid NMBU-UiO om årlige Life Science-dager
    • Forskerutdanning og ph.d.-/dr.philos.-grader (backoffice ressurs)
  • Publications