Guri Bang

Guri Bang


  • International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric
  • Areas of Work
    • International climate cooperation
    • Climate- and energy policy in the United States
    • Just energy transitions
    • Populism and climate policy
  • Publications

    List of publications from my research. (Cristin)

    Selected publications:

    Harrison, Kathryn and Guri Bang (2022): Supply-Side Climate Policies in Major Oil-Producing Countries: Norway’s and Canada’s Struggles to Align Climate Leadership with Fossil Fuel Extraction. Global Environmental Politics 22 (4): 129–150. doi:

    Bang, Guri and Bård Lahn (2019): From oil as welfare to oil as risk? Norwegian petroleum Resource governance and climate policy, Climate Policy 20(8): 997-1009. 

    Bang, Guri, Steinar Andresen and David Victor (2017): California’s cap-and-trade system – Diffusion and lessons, Global Environmental Politics 17(3): 12-30.

    Bang, Guri, Jon Hovi and Tora Skodvin (2016): The Paris Agreement: Short-term and Long-term Effectiveness. Politics and Governance (ISSN: 2183-2463) 2016, 4 (3): 209-218 

    Bang, Guri, Arild Underdal and Steinar Andresen (editors) (2015): The Domestic Politics of Global Climate Change. Key Actors in International Climate Cooperation, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing .

    Skjærseth, Jon Birger, Guri Bang and Miranda Schreurs (2013): Explaining Growing Climate Policy Differences between the European Union and the United States. Global Environmental Politics, 13 (4):  61-80. 

    Hovi, Jon, Detlef Sprinz and Guri Bang (2012): ‘Why the United States Did Not Become a Party to the Kyoto Protocol: German, Norwegian, and U.S. Perspectives.’ European Journal of International Relations, 18 (1): 129-150. 

    Bang, Guri (2011): ‘Signed but not ratified: Limits to U.S. participation in international environmental agreements.’ Review of Policy Research, 28 (1): pp. 65-81. 

    Bang, Guri (2010): ‘Energy security and climate change concerns: Triggers for energy policy change in the United States?’ Energy Policy, 38 (4): 1645-1653. 

    Næss, Lars Otto, Guri Bang, Siri Eriksen and Jonas Vevatne (2005): ‘Institutional adaptation to climate change in Norway’ Global Environmental Change,15(2): 125-38. 

  • Teaching

    EDS303 Introduction to International Environmental Studies

    EDS348 Global Environmental Politics

  • Research and projects